
Tiny and fast ESTree-compliant AST walker and modifier.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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A tiny and fast ESTree-compliant AST walker and modifier.

Key features:

  • Works on ESTree-compliant ASTs such as the ones produced by Acorn.
  • Runs both in a browser and in Node.
  • Out-of-the-box functions such as source code comments insertion.
  • No dependencies and small footprint.


The easiest way is to install it with the Node Package Manager:

npm install astravel

Alternatively, checkout this repository and install the development dependencies to build the module file:

git clone https://github.com/davidbonnet/astravel.git
cd astravel
npm install

The path to the module file is dist/astravel.min.js and can be linked to from an HTML webpage. When used in a browser environment, the module exposes a global variable astravel:

<script src="astravel.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


The astravel module consists of the following items:


This object describes a basic AST traveler. It contains the following methods:

  • go(node, state): Travels through the provided AST node with a given state (an object that can be of any type) by recursively calling this method.
  • find(node, state) ➞ Found?: Travels through the provided AST node with a given state. If it catches a Found instance, returns it. Otherwise, returns nothing.
  • [NodeType](node, state): Method handler for a specific NodeType.
  • makeChild(properties) ➞ traveler: Returns a custom AST traveler that inherits from this traveler with its own provided properties and the property super that points to this traveler.

astravel.makeTraveler(properties) ➞ traveler

This function is similar to astravel.defaultTraveler.makeChild: it returns a traveler that inherits from the defaultTraveler with its own provided properties and the property super that points to the defaultTraveler object. These properties should redefine the traveler's behavior by implementing the go(node, state) method and/or any node handler.

When redefining the go method, make sure its basic functionality is kept by calling the parent's go method to keep traveling through the AST:

var customTraveler = astravel.makeTraveler({
   go: function(node, state) {
      // Code before entering the node
      console.log('Entering ' + node.type);
      // Call the parent's `go` method
      this.super.go.call(this, node, state);
      // Code after leaving the node
      console.log('Leaving ' + node.type);

To skip specific node types, the most effective way is to replace the corresponding node handlers with a function that does nothing:

var ignore = Function.prototype;
var customTraveler = astravel.makeTraveler({
   FunctionDeclaration: ignore,
   FunctionExpression: ignore,
   ArrowFunctionExpression: ignore

astravel.Found(node, state)

This class creates an instance by initializing its node and state properties to the values provided to the constructor arguments. Its purpose is to be thrown from within a traveler's node handler, or it's go method. The traveler's find method then catches that instance and returns it. This is particularly useful for searching specific nodes and preventing the traveler to unnecessarily go through the entire AST.

This example shows how to look for the first function declaration:

var customTraveler = astravel.makeTraveler({
   FunctionDeclaration: function(node, state) {
      // Found first function declaration, end travel
      throw new astravel.Found(node, state);
// Get the first function declaration, if any
var found = customTraveler.find(node);
if (found) console.log('Found function named ' + found.node.id.name);

astravel.attachComments(ast, comments) ➞ ast

This function attaches a list of comments to the corresponding nodes of a provided ast and returns that same ast. The ast is modified in-place and only the nodes getting comments are augmented with a comments and/or a trailingComments array property.

Each comment should be an object with the following properties:

  • type: "Line" or "Block"
  • value: Comment string value
  • start: Comment starting character offset number
  • end: Comment ending character offset number
  • loc: Location object with start and end properties containing one-based line number and zero-based column number properties.

This example shows how to obtain a proper list of comments of a given source code with Acorn and how to attach them on the generated ast:

var comments = [];
var ast = acorn.parse(code, {
   // This ensures that the `loc` property is present on comment objects
   locations: true,
   // Acorn will store the comment objects in this array
   onComment: comments
// Attach comments on the ast
astravel.attachComments(ast, comments);

The algorithm assumes that comments are not put in exotic places, such as in-between function arguments, and proceeds as follows:

  • For a given statement, it stores all comments right above it and on the same line to it's right side in a comments property.
  • If a comment block is at the beginning of a code block, it is attached to that code block.
  • Comments not followed by any statement in a code block are attached as trailingComments to that code block.

In this example, the comments tell to which statement they are attached:

// Attached to the variable declaration just below
var point = {
   // Attached to the property definition just below
   x: 0,
   y: 0 // Attached to the property definition on its left
Attached to the function declaration just below.
function add(a, b) {
   Attached to the function body because it is the first comment block.
   return a + b; // Attached to the return statement on its left
   // Trailing comment attached as such to the function body
// Trailing comment attached as such to the program body


All building scripts are defined in the package.json file and rely on the Node Package Manager. All commands must be run from within the root repository folder.


The source code of Astravel is written in JavaScript 6 and located at src/astravel.js. It is compiled down to a minified JavaScript 5 file located at dist/astravel.min.js using Browserify, Babel and UglifyJS. This is achieved by running:

npm install

If you are already using a JavaScript 6 to 5 compiler for your project, or a JavaScript 6 compliant interpreter, you can include the src/astravel.js file directly.

A non-minified and source map free version can be obtained at dist/astravel.js by running:

npm run build


If you are working on Astravel, you can use Watchify to build automatically at each modification a non-minified version (along with a source map for easy debugging) located at dist/astravel.debug.js by running:

npm start

While making changes to Astravel, make sure it passes the tests by running:

npm test


  • Provide a set of examples
  • Show how to modify an AST