This is a python guess game played in which the computer suggest the random number to match the players number and when such happens it is iterated again
To get started with this amazing simple to learn python project --
git clone
Secondly --
import random
- the random function has several sub-methods but the one we are interested in is calledrandint()
Thirdly, -- define a function of your choice, though it is best practice to give it a name that represents your action e.g
def guess(b):
- b is a parameter you want to use laterrandom_numb = random.randint(1, b)
- now you are using both the random() prebuilt function and the 'b' parameter you declared initially
Now you want to make the computer iterate through every number you suggest -- that sounds like a loop you are going to create
- so using while loop
guessValue = 0
while guessValue != random_numb:
guessValue = int(input(f'Guess the number of your choice from 1 to {b}: '))
-- now this is converting the input to an integer.
if guessValue > random_numb:
- recall this checks are done and indented under the while loop, please note this
print('Hey pal, sorry your guess is too high, try again!')
elif guessValue < random_numb:
- recall this checks are done and indented under the while loop, please note this
print('Hey pal, sorry your guess is too low, try again!')
print('Wow, you finally got the correct guess')