RNN TV Script Generation

In this project I applied Recurrent Neural Network to generate TV scipts from the series Seinfeld. This project is part of requirements of Deep Learning Nanodegree at Udacity.



george:(desperate) well, i think it would be a tad askew.

george: i don't want to worry about it.

hoyt: well, what do you want to tell me to be in the bubble, i can't afford to be able to do it. i can't get rid of it.

chiles: oh, no.

elaine: well, you know what this means, i can't tell you. it's a misprint.

elaine: oh, no, i don't think so.

jerry: i know.

jerry: so, how do you think you're going to the bathroom?

jerry: yes, i know.

hoyt: what is he going?

george: yeah.

hoyt: what was that stain?

george: i think it's effeminate for a shame.

george: oh, hi. i'm not going to die.

hoyt: well, it's not moops.

hoyt: so what did i say?

chiles: i can't