Intro to the course, git, and bash
30 minutes : Lecture
10 minutes : Assignment Introduction
20 minutes : Work on Assignment
Every lecture will have a short assignment designed to take no longer than 20 minutes. You shouldn't have any homework, it should all be done in class.
You are given full credit as long as you attempt the assignment and make a pull request. This counts as your attendance points.
There may be occasions where there isn't an assignment and we pass around an attendance sheet, so please come to class.
We have exams and things that come, it happens. Just be sure to email me at or Alpri at and do the assignment if there is one.
Week 1: Syllabus and Git/Bash
Week 2: Intro to HTML/CSS
Week 3: Intro to Javascript and Node
Week 4: React Part 1
Week 5: React Part 2
Week 6: Express, routes, requests
Week 7: Databases
Week 8: Redux
Week 9: GraphQL Part 1
Week 10: GraphQL Part 2
Week 11: Special Topics