
Code for CS 525 research into dynamic embeddings for recommendation systems.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



To deploy your branch to all nodes

  1. Git commit, push your branch to github.

  2. From repository root directory: sh utils/deploy_branch.sh [netid] [branch name]

Cluster Usage

To launch or manage VMs: https://vc.cs.illinois.edu/ui/

Apache Hadoop

Start HDFS cluster (10 nodes) without YARN


With YARN (job scheduling/MapReduce)


Stopping cluster


Monitor cluster health, ssh using

ssh -L 9870:localhost:9870 [netid]@sp21-cs525-g14-01.cs.illinois.edu

Go to http://localhost:9870 in the browser.

Hadoop Cluster Documentation

Apache Spark

Start Spark standalone cluster on all workers


Start only master


Start worker on worker node

/opt/spark/sbin/start-worker.sh <master-spark-URL>

Monitor cluster health, ssh using

ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 [netid]@sp21-cs525-g14-01.cs.illinois.edu

Go to http://localhost:8080 in the browser.

Spark Cluster Documentation

PyTorch Distributed

conda activate [netid]_pytorch

PyTorch Distributed Documentation