
CI workflow

First successful CI build: image

Logs of CI build part 1: image

Logs of CI build part 2: image

CD workflow

Creating Kubernetes Cluster: (this process takes 5-10 mins) image

Step 2/3: image

Step 3/3: image

Enabling the APIs: (it was already enabled) image

Enabling the IAM API: image

After clicking on Enable: image

Enabling the container and kubernetes APIs: image

Creating service account: image

After creating service account: image

Add roles to service account: image

Create new key: image

Add secrets to GitHub: image

Adding gke action: (see .github/workflows/gke.yml)

Creating a new release: image

CD action: image

CD deployment in GKE: image

CD service in GKE: image

GKE ingress: image

Deployed website: image