React Exercise ⚛️

Hey guys! Hope your day is going well. Here's what I have for the React exercise.

Stuff you might want

  • IDE with TypeScript intellisense support
  • Some kind of Git Desktop to clone the repo (or just download it)
  • A terminal integrated into your IDE

Stuff you need

  • npm with its path variables set up
    • npm -v to check your version
  • Web browser

Install & run

  1. Download and extract or clone the repo
  2. Open the ReactExercise-main folder in your terminal or IDE integrated terminal
  3. Run npm install to install required packages
  4. Run npm start

Made with

  • React.js and JSX
  • Visual Studio Code
  • FontAwesome 5 Pro
  • Chrome
  • Passion ❤️


  • Full disclosure, I used create-react-app to get up and running quickly, but I used it almost exclusively for the npm packages and startup scripts so I didn't have to fiddle with them myself. Nearly every line of code and source file has been changed, replaced, or removed.