
Website tracking Diablo 2 characters' expiration date, built with Django framework. UI designed to resemble the one from D2.

Primary LanguagePython


Python Django HTML CSS JavaScript

DoNotExpire is a website that makes keeping your Diablo 2 accounts safe from expiring much easier.

Built with Django framework, HTML, CSS, vanilla Javascript and a bit of JQuery.


Multiplayer Diablo II characters expire if they are inactive for too long. Expired characters cannot be recovered. Single Player characters do not expire.

Newly created characters will expire after 10 days of inactivity. Characters played for two hours or more will expire after 90 days of inactivity. To reset the inactivity timer on a character, you need to log in to an active game with that character and buy or sell an item, or kill a monster.

Diablo II accounts are also deleted after 90 days of inactivity.

Thanks to DoNotExpire you can keep track of all your accounts. Log in and add your accounts, which hold up to 16 characters, to the database.
Whenever you log into your Diablo 2 account, open the website and press the button next to the character you have just ' permed' ingame. The expiration date for this character will refresh on the website and you will be able to manually follow those dates.
Should you not perm your character and update the info on website, you will be sent an email with a notification to do so.

If you keep forgetting to sync your Diablo 2 accounts state with website data, create a simple script to open both your browser with this website and Diablo 2 game instance at the same time. This way you will most likely remember to update the dates.

Development Setup

Without Docker

Create .env file with the following content:


Create virtual environment, activate it and install requirements with pipenv

mkdir .venv

pipenv shell

pipenv install

or with virtualenv

py -3 -m venv venv


pip install -r requirements.txt

Run migrations

python manage.py makemigrations

python manage.py migrate

Create superuser

python manage.py createsuperuser

Run server

python manage.py runserver

Run unit tests and get code coverage

coverage run manage.py test

coverage report -m

With Docker

Create .env file with the following content:





Make sure Docker Engine is running.

While in root directory, build docker images and run them with docker-compose. This might take up to few minutes. Rebuilding image is crucial after installing new packages via pipenv.

Bringing up containers (with optional --build flag to rebuild images)

docker compose up --build

Bringing down containers with optional -v flag removes all attached volumes and invalidates caches.

docker compose down

Run commands inside docker, e.g.:

docker exec -it backend python manage.py makemigrations

docker exec -it backend python manage.py migrate

docker exec -it backend python manage.py createsuperuser

Application will be up at

Deployment to Railway

Go to https://railway.app/dashboard and create a new blank project.

Add Postgres database service.

Add backend service deployed from GitHub Repo.

Set environment variables in backend service:


Add start command in deploy section:

gunicorn core.wsgi:application --bind

Deployment to Heroku (Deprecated)

Set env variables in dashboard settings or with CLI
