
Data file for https://www.doesitflip.com/

MIT LicenseMIT

Does it Flip?

This repository holds the data file for


If you know of a game that supports the Flip Grip accessory and it is not currently listed here, please either

  • edit the data file and open a pull request. You can just add your game at the top of the list, they are sorted alphabetically before the site is built. Don't worry about making mistakes, these will be fixed and validated by someone else :)
  • Add an issue here and someone will add the game
  • Tweet @alshie and let me know what game is missing

Game data should be in the following format - please don't stress about getting details, images etc, if you know of a game it's really helpful just to have compatibility confirmed!

    "name": "Bells & Whistles",
    "collection": "Arcade Archives",
    "additional_info": false,
    "releaseDate": "16/01/2020",
    "image": "https://cdn02.nintendo-europe.com/media/images/11_square_images/games_18/nintendo_switch_download_software/SQ_NSwitchDS_ArcadeArchivesBellsAndWhistles.jpg",
    "url": "https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/Arcade-Archives-Bells-Whistles-1708133.html",
    "categories": "Shooter, Arcade",
    "players": "1 - 2",
    "publisher": "HAMSTER",
    "instructions": "From the Pause Menu - Display Settings > Display Direction"


Thanks to contributers silverhook, riccyjay & CloudyObsession