
Barebones 3D engine with ECS and Event system

Primary LanguageC++


Basic 3D engine built with GLFW and OpenGL


  • ECS
  • ImGui interface
  • Convinient input system
  • PBR Materials (albedo, normal, bump maps)
  • Custom event system

Event system is inspired by Unity where each class derived from MonoBehaviour automatically "subscribes" for a number of events such as Update, OnGUI etc. This engine implemets it via singleton (even though it's kind of evil xD). Each object derived from EventSubscribed in virtual constructor subscribes to a static EventDispatcher. Event handler has to derive from Event with subscriber type as template parrameter i.e. Event. Then in handle method it calls appropriate event handler of that subscriber.

Implememting new event boils down to creating YourEventSubscriber: public EventSubscribed, deriving from it, and creating YourEvent: public Event. Any time you want to fire that event call EventDispatcher::dispatch(YourEvent())

This project is a compilation of design solution I came up with after several educational projects