
Python code using IMP to integrate in vivo & cryoEM data to study dynamics of the exocyst complex

Primary LanguagePython


For the modeling I use the following scripts:

1) mc_tags_exocyst.py: main script for modeling using IMP.pmi functions.

- I represent the fluorophores as beads of 1 residue (Lysine), and the exocyst subunits using the cryoEM model (Mei et al, 2018) and AlphaFold2 predictions for the missing regions. 
- In vivo restraints (PICT) as Simple Harmonic distance restraints between fluorophores, defining a k from the stdev of each pairwise distance distribution. Modeling with different k values: k(sd), k=1, k=3, k=5, k=10
- Linkers between fluorophores and proteins as Harmonic Upper Bound restraints with a k=1. Each fluorophore tags the termini of a individual exocyst subunit.
- Connectivity restraint for each exocyst subunit (k=1)
- Excluded Volume restraint for all components of the system (k=1)
- Defining a bounding box to run the modeling and narrow down the possibilities. To define the size of the BB, I use the maximum distance restraint.

- Sampling: 1000 MC frames x 50 steps/frame = 50.000 MC steps per run. Using 1 replica only. To use multiple replicas, use different cores with $ mpirun.

Command to run several MC simulations:

	$parallel -j 10 python3 mc_tags_exocyst.py {} ::: {1..30} & --> generate 30 run_ folders.

2) analysis_traj.py: analyse all the run_ simulations generated.


	$ analysis_traj.py -h

- specify restraints to analyse.
- Specify cores to use
- Score-based clustering with HDBscan
- Generates plot_clustering_scores.png
- Generates plot_run_models_clusterX.pdf
- Generates plot_scores_convergence_clusterX.pdf
- Generates summary_hdbscan_clustering.dat

3) extract_models.py: Extract good-scoring models from a score-based clustering.


	$ extract_models.py -h
- Specify cluster and state to analyse.
- Generates A_models_clustX_stateY.rmf3 and B_models_clustX_stateY.rmf3
- Generates A_models_clustX_stateY.txt and B_models_clustX_stateY.txt

4) check_in_vivo_restraints.py: check the % of in vivo restraints accomplished in all the frames for each RMF file.


	$ check_in_vivo_restraints.py -h

- reference data in pict_restraints.csv
- Generates pict_modelname_A.png and pict_modelname_B.png

5) sampcon.sh: computes the model precision based on RMSD


	$ sampcon.sh 
- Specify densities.txt 
- Specify cluster and state to analyse
- Generates clusters of precision
- Generates clustering.log
- Generates ChiSquare.pdf / Cluster_Population.pdf / Score_Dist.pdf / Top_Score_Conv.pdf and the respective csv and txt files

6) align_rmf.py: align frames from RMF files A and B to the reference cluster determined with Sampcon, and compute the RMSD to the reference.


	$ align_rmf.py
- Plots RMSD density distribution and mean RMSD 

 process_aligned_rmf.py: computes the mean dispersion from each component centroid and plots the error bars