
Using markov chains to create rap lyrics

Better lyrics.

Is popular music too grammatically factual for you? Do you groan at sensical phrases? Have you ever wished that you could re-invent the English language like it's never been heard before?

This Rapository is for you.

Variety is the spice of life. You already let RNGesus rule your everyday lifestyle -- will you find yourself located beneath a seagull relieving itself today? Will there be an inconvenient puddle in the stairway causing you to slip and plummet three stories down a concrete staircase? Will every single answer you guess on your last chance to take the SAT turn out to be wrong?

Now you can let RNGesus determine your music too. No longer must you listen to rap lyrics created deliberately to plant messages in your mind. With each word randomly chosen based on historically popular combinations with the preceding word, Rapository-generated songs are creations of serendipity. These are messages from the universe itself.