
Weather Service Application

Primary LanguageJava

Weather Service Application

The service provides an API


  • To search current weather report by city name.

How does the application works?

  • Application receives the requested via /v1/api/weather/{city} url with {city} path variables
  • There is a validation for city parameter. City value can not be decimal or a blank value.
    • If the city value is not valid, api returns 400 - Http Bad Request response
  • Current weather report can be fetch either from database or WeatherStackAPI with the API_KEY
    • If the latest data is not older than 30 minutes for that city value, data is fetching from db.
    • Either city does not exist or older than 30 minutes in DB, a request sends to WeatherStackAPI and the result puts to Cache
    • If there is a value with city filter as key in cache, the response is returns from cache directly
  • On the swagger page you can find the relevant api endpoint. You can reach the openapi page by http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html url.

  • You can define WEATHER_STACK_API_KEY in the .env file

  • JUnit and Integration tests coverage is 100% are available.

Tech Stack

  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot 3.0
  • Open API Documentation
  • Spring Data JPA
  • H2 In Memory Database
  • Restful API
  • Maven
  • Junit5
  • Mockito
  • Integration Tests
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana


  • Maven or Docker

Docker Run

The application can be built and run by the Docker engine. The Dockerfile has multistage build, so you do not need to build and run separately.

Please follow the below directions in order to build and run the application with Docker Compose;

$ cd open-weather
$ docker-compose up -d

Docker compose creates 3 replicas (instances) of the application on port range 9595-9597

You can reach the open-api-ui via http://{HOST}:{9595-9597}/swagger-ui.html


You can reach prometheus page via http://{HOST}:9090

Prometheus 1 Prometheus 2


You can reach grafana page via http://{HOST}:3000 - GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin


Maven Run

To build and run the application with Maven, please follow the directions below;

$ cd open-weather
$ mvn clean install
$ mvn spring-boot:run

You can reach the swagger-ui via http://{HOST}:8080/swagger-ui.html