
Various tools used for testing Altinn

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Various tools used for testing Altinn

Token Generator

Simple HTTP API for generating arbitrary enterprise and person access tokens for test environments, used for automated testing. Matches tokens produced by Altinn3 token exchange or consent-token endpoints. Implemented as a Azure Function running at https://altinn-testtools-token-generator.azurewebsites.net.


The application requires authentication. See https://altinn.github.io/docs/api/rest/kom-i-gang/tokengenerator/ for more information.


{environment} is an Altinn test environment name eg. at24 og tt02

Enterprise tokens (aka Maskinporten):


Enterprise user tokens (aka Maskinporten + Enterprise user authentication):


Person tokens (aka ID-porten)


Optional parameters:

  • supplierOrgNo (Enterprise tokens only)
  • ttl (Default: 1800 seconds)
  • authLvl (Personal tokens only. Default: 3)
  • consumerOrgNo (Personal tokens only. Default: 991825827)
  • userName (Personal tokens only. Default: empty string)
  • clientAmr (Personal tokens only. Default: virksomhetssertifikat)
  • dump (displays a human readable decoded JWT)

Consent tokens:


  • serviceCodes is a delimited list of {servicesCode}_{serviceEditionCode}.{servicesCode2}_{serviceEditionCode2}, eg. 5120_1.5678_2
  • offeredBy, coveredBy and handledBy (optional) is a 9 or 11 long all-digit string.
  • authorizationCode is av valid GUID. If omitted a random one is used.
  • ttl (optional) is the valid lifetime of the token in seconds. Default: 30 seconds.

Consent service metadata (parameters) are supplied the same way as in URL-based consent requests, eg. ..&5120_1_myparam=myvalue.


Simple console app for calling the API from a shell script. Uses appsettings.json for default settings, all of which can be overridden by command line arguments.

Usage :

Build, and run TokenGeneratorCli.exe --help