
Headspace Android Coding Exercise

Android Developer Code Challenge

The goal of this problem is to create an Android app that displays a list of photos from the picsum API (https://picsum.photos/)

The endpoint you need to call is https://picsum.photos/v2/list

It should meet the following requirements:

  • It should display the image, author, and dimensions of the photos
  • These can be laid out in a vertical orientation or a grid It should handle the following states : Empty State (no data) Error State (api call failed) Loading State (api call is taking place) Content State (there is data to display)
  • It should be functional while offline
  • When loading a page of photos it should check to see if that page exists in the database, if it does then display those products otherwise make a call to the endpoint
  • It must make use of the provided libraries

Skeleton App

  • Feel free to use the app skeleton provided here, to use your own or to start from scratch.
  • The skeleton provided is setup with:
    • Common libraries: RxJava, Room, OkHttp, Retrofit, Gson, Glide, RecyclerView, ConstraintLayout
    • It uses the MVVM pattern
    • It provides some defaults providers for Network and Local DB calls
    • Skeleton classes for a feature: FeatureActivity, FeatureViewModel and FeatureTableDao

Submission Instructions

  • Create a repo on your personal GitHub and send us the link.
  • Avoid putting everything in a single commit.
  • Track the time you took to complete the project.
  • Add comments where appropriate