
Unfinished Mega.nz API library. Only some of methods are implemented.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Uncomplited, demo Mega.nz JS library.

It works, but supports only some features:

  • listing,
  • thumbnails/previews downloading.

  • npm ci
  • npm run build

To open a web demo run a http server in the root folder, then open a html file from _examples-browser directory.

Or try to use a Node.js demo from _examples-node directory. (Note: remove import * as URLS from "./test-urls-private.js"; first and use your own Mega URL.)

The example usage

Downloading of thumbnails:


import {saveFile} from "./util-node.js";
import {Nodes} from "../src/mega.js";

const nodeArray = await Nodes.nodes("https://mega.nz/..."); // Use your own URL

const promises = [];
let i = 0;
for (const node of nodeArray) {
    if (Nodes.isMediaNode(node)) {
        const index = (++i).toString().padStart(3, "0");
        console.log(`${index} ${node.name}`);
        const filename = `thumbnail-${index}-${node.id}.jpg`;
        const downloaded = node.getThumbnail()
            .then(thumb => {
                void saveFile(thumb, filename, node.mtime);
await Promise.all(promises);
  • Multiple API requests are grouped within one API request when it's possible.
  • Multiple thumbnails data are downloaded within one download request when it's possible.
  • All similar HTTP connections are performed concurrently, but not more that 16 at one moment. See Semaphore class.
  • Also it uses custom (much faster (up to x9 times)) convertation from ArrayBuffer to WordArray of CryptoJS library. See /src/crypto.js.

  • 2022.02.20: This private repo was turned into public one.