
AWS SAM app with Github CI/CD for exporting DynamoDB table data to S3 on a schedule.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Serverless app built on AWS SAM with Github CI/CD to demonstrate how to export DynamoDB table data to S3 on a schedule.

prerequisites ๐Ÿ—’๏ธ

getting started ๐Ÿš€


fork this repo, clone it and cd into the directory:

git clone <your-forked-repo-url> sam-dynamodb-s3-export
cd sam-dynamodb-s3-export

replace the default Github username (AluBhorta) with yours in the template parameter ie. replace your-github-username with your actual Github username or org where the repo is forked:

export YOUR_GITHUB_USER_OR_ORG=your-github-username
sed -i '' -e "s|AluBhorta|$YOUR_GITHUB_USER_OR_ORG|g" template.yaml

build the app:

sam build

deploy the app:

sam deploy

deploy could take a few minutes after you confirm the changeset. feel free to sip your favourite beverage in the meantine... โ˜•๏ธ

after deployment completes:

  • copy the IAMRoleForPipeline ARN's Value outputted by the cloudformation stack
  • then add it as a secret named PIPELINE_IAM_ROLE to your github repo. this role will be used by Github Actions for CI/CD and to interact with AWS on your behalf.

and well done! your sam app with CI/CD is up and running! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

make changes

once the app is initially deployed, and the role arn is added as a secret to the repo - Github Actions will take care of CI/CD. checkout the pipeline file for further details.

try changing the schedule of Func1ScheduledDataGenerator in template.yaml used to insert mock data to DynamoDB table.

Example: change cron(0 * * * ? *) to cron(*/5 * * * ? *) to invoke the lambda every 5 minutes, instead of every 1 hour.

feel free to change the code and push to the repo and see the CI/CD in action for yourself!

clean up

delete all files in the s3 bucket used to store exported data (name of bucket outputted in cfn stack as ExportedDataS3Bucket):

aws s3 rm s3://$ExportedDataS3Bucket --recursive

delete the sam app: ๐Ÿงน

sam delete

voila! all clean and tidy.

further notes ๐Ÿ“

permissions: Github OIDC and IAM roles

follow the links below to learn more about how Github Actions securely interact with AWS:

warning: the IAMRoleForPipeline role is currently given AdministratorAccess for simplicity. for further security, you should modify it to only allow least privilege access.

table size and lambda runtime limitation

if the table is too large then the current solution needs to be modified as full table data might not fit in lambda's memory. some possible ways to tackle that:

  • increase lambda memory
  • partition the table to process it in batches

contributions welcome!

got any suggestions or constructive feedback? please open an issue or a PR!