
Specification of AluVM (algorithmic logic unit VM), its bytecode and assembly language

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AluVM Specifications

Specification of AluVM (pronounced as "alluvium", [ɑlˈluːvium]) instruction set architecture and assembly language (AluVM Assembly or AluAsm).

AluVM is a pure functional register-based highly deterministic & exception-less instruction set architecture (ISA) and virtual machine (VM) without random memory access, capable of performing arithmetic operations, including operations on elliptic curves. The AluVM ISA can be extended by the environment running the virtual machine (host environment), providing ability to load data to the VM registers and support application-specific instructions (like SIMD).

The main purpose for ALuVM is to be used in distributed systems whether robustness, platform-independent determinism are more important than the speed of computation. The main area of AluVM applications (using appropriate ISA extensions) is blockchain environments, consensus-critical computations, multiparty computing (including deterministic machine learning), client-side-validation, sandboxed Internet2 computing and genetic algorithms.

Runtime environments and ISA extensions

The current list of AluVM runtime environments (providing corresponding ISA extensions) include:

  • AluRE (ALU Runtime Environment, multiparty computations, machine learning and sandboxed computing for Internet2/Web4 applications running on client-side). Supports following ISA Extensions:
    • ALURE (User I/O),
    • WEB4 (Networking I/O),
    • SIMD.
  • RGB Core (client-side-validated smart contracts);
    • RGB: access to RGB contract data,
    • BTC: access to bitcoin blockchain data,
  • LNP Core (lightning network).
    • BTC: access to bitcoin blockchain data,
    • LNC: access to lightning network channel data
    • WEB4 (Internet2 & Web4 I/O),
    • SIMD.
  • REBICA (runtime environment for biologically-inspired computing architectures) providing ISA extension with the same name.


VM is purely functional, meaning that it treats all computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and does not have any side effects.

To make VM exception-less and robust the following design decisions were implemented:

  • no side effects of any instruction outside of the well defined VM state, and thus:
    • absence of stack (however it may be emulated using registers);
    • absence of random memory access;
  • two distinct byte encodings of the full VM state always represent two distinct states (this requires special handling of NaN and ±0 values for float registers);
  • VM state is represented by a finite set of register values with predefined bit dimensionality;
  • all registers have a special "uninitialized/no value" state;
  • all registers at the start of the program are always initialized into; "no value" state, after which some registers are filled with input values;
  • impossible arithmetic operations (like division on zero) instead of generating exception bring destination register into "no value" state;
  • all instructions accessing the register data must check for "no value" state in the source registers and if any of them has it, put the destination register into "no value" (None) state;
  • each instruction modifies only those non-control flow registers which are explicitly provided as the instruction arguments;
  • the set of the control-flow register modification which may happen during operation are part of this formal specification;
  • there are no byte sequences which can't be interpreted as a valid VM instruction, so arbitrary code jumps can't lead to an exception;
  • any two distinct byte strings always represent strictly distinct programs.


AluVM operates five sets of registers:

  • Arithmetic integer registers, or A-registers (prefixed with a in mnemonics);
  • Arithmetic float registers, or F-registers (prefixed with f in mnemonics);
  • General R-registers, used in cryptography (prefixed with r in mnemonics);
  • Bytestring registers, or S-registers (prefixed with s in mnemonics);
  • Control flow registers, named individually

There are 8 types of integer and float arithmetic and general registers, which differ in their bit size. For each type of these, as for the bytestring registers, there are 32 individual registers, indexed with 1..=32 numbers put in square brackets in mnemonics.

Arithmetic integer register types:

  • 8-bit (a8)
  • 16-bit (a16)
  • 32-bit (a32)
  • 64-bit (a64)
  • 128-bit (a128)
  • 256-bit (a256)
  • 512-bit (a512)
  • 1024-bit (a1024)

Arithmetic float register types:

  • 16-bit bfloat16 format used in machine learning (f16b)
  • 16-bit IEEE-754 binary16 half-precision (f16)
  • 32-bit IEEE-754 binary32 single-precision (f32)
  • 64-bit IEEE-754 binary64 double-precision (f64)
  • 80-bit IEEE-754 extended precision (f80)
  • 128-bit IEEE-754 binary128 quadruple precision (f128)
  • 256-bit IEEE-754 binary256 octuple precision (f256)
  • 512-bit tapered floating point (f512), described below

General register types:

  • 128-bit (r128)
  • 160-bit (r160), most useful for RIPEMD-160 hashing
  • 256-bit (r256)
  • 512-bit (r512)
  • 1024-bit (r1024), most useful for RSA key handling
  • 2048-bit (r2048), most useful for RSA key handling
  • 4098-bit (r4096), most useful for RSA key handling
  • 8192-bit (r8192), most useful for RSA key handling

Bytestring registers is a single family of 256 registers each of which is a combination of 16-bit string length (not accessible directly by the instructions) and 2^16-byte long value.

Control flow registers:

  • 1-bit status register st0
  • 16-bit jump counting register cy0
  • 16-bit call stack pointer register cp0
  • Block of 2^16 call stack registers cs0[0..2^16]


Arithmetic operations has the following degrees of freedom:

  1. Number encoding: the per-bit layout of the register mapping to the actual arithmetical number value:
    • Unsigned integer: little-endian byte-encoded integer data occupying full length of the register
    • Signed integer: the same as unsigned integer with the highest bit (the highest bit of the last byte) reserved for the sign: 0 value indicates positive sign, 1 indicates negative sign: (-1)^sign_bit.
    • IEEE-754 floating point matching the bit length of the registry, with special extension for tapered floating point encoding in 512-bit floating registers and machine-learning popular format of bfloat16.
  2. Exceptions
    • Impossible arithmetic operation (0/0, Inf/inf) always sets the destination register into None state (corresponding to NaN value of IEEE-754, i.e. all registers with NaN must report None state instead).
    • Operation resulting in the value which can't fit the bit dimensions under a used encoding, including representation of infinity for integer encodings (x/0 if x != 0) results in:
      • for float underflows, subnormally encoded number,
      • for x/0 if x != 0 on float numbers, ±Inf float value,
      • for overflows in integer checked operations and floats (NB: float operations are always checked), None value, setting st0 to false,
      • for overflows in integer wrapped operations, modulo division on the maximum register value;

As a result, most of the arithmetic operations has to be provided with flags specifying which of the encoding and exception handling should be used:

  • Integer encodings has two flags:
    • one for signed/unsigned variant of the encoding
    • one for checked or wrapped variant of exception handling
  • Float encoding has 4 variants of rounding, matching IEEE-754 options.

Thus, many arithmetic instructions have 8 variants, indicating the used encoding (unsigned, signed integer or float) and operation behaviour in situation when resulting value does not fit into the register (overflow or wrap for integers and one of four rounding options for floats). These operations include

  • addition
  • subtraction
  • multiplication

Division operation can't overflow in case of integers, however in this case it requires specification of the rounding algorithm. So the same bit used to specify overflow or wrapping behaviour in this case is used to detect rounding algorithm: euclidean or non-euclidean rounding.

These operations are performed by flagged arithmetic instructions.

Each of the flagged arithmetic operations must set the value of st0 register to false under the following conditions:

  • if overflow has happened for checked integer arithmetics;
  • if a float operation resulted in overflow, setting destination register to ±Inf (but not if the ±Inf value resulted from a non-overflowing operation, like 0 + Inf = Inf);
  • if a float operation resulted in NaN value, i.e. for impossible arithmetic operations (see above);

In all other cases, including overflows with wrapped flag set, the flagged operations must set st0 to true.

Some number encodings allows additional arithmetic operations:

  • Modulo division (division reminder) for unsigned integers
  • Negation for floats and signed integers
  • Absolute value / sign detection for singed integers and floats

These operations never overflow/underflow and modulo division on zero will always result in None value in a destination. Instructions performing these operations are named unflagged arithmetic instructions and they do not modify the value of st0 register.

Except all aforementioned rules, the implementation of the float arithmetics must strictly follow IEEE-754 standard.

Instruction set

1. Arithmetics

Flagged arithmetic instructions operate two source registers and one destination register and are represented by a 40-bit value with the following structure:

Bits Bit count Meaning Possible values
0-7 8 Operation add, sub, mul, div
8-15 8 Flags unsigned_checked, unsigned_wrapped, signed_checked, signed_wrapped, float_near, float_ceil, float_floor, float_to0
16-23 8 Source 1 number of the first source register
24-31 8 Source 2 number of the second source register
32-39 8 Destination number of the destination register

For assembly representation the core arithmetic operations are written with the flags provided as the operation suffix

          add:uc a8[0],a8[1],a16[2] ; will perform unchecked unsigned addition
                                    ; of the values in the first and second
                                    ; 8-bit integer registers a8[0] and a8[1]
                                    ; putting result of operation into a8[2]

          add:n f32[0],f32[1],f32[2]  ; will perform addition with rounding
                                      ; to the nearest value for the first and 
                                      ; second 32-bit float register (f32[0] 
                                      ; and f32[1]) putting the result of the 
                                      ; operation into f32[2]

This will have a bytcode representation of 0x6400000102 and 0x6404202122, where first bytes (0x64) are the id of add instruction, the second byte is the flags for number encoding (indicating which set of arithmetic registers is used, integer or float) and operation variant and the last three bytes are indexes of the registers.