
This addon adds functionality for Blender to change blending modes in Texture Paint and Vertex Paint mode

Primary LanguagePython


This addon adds functionality for Blender to change blending modes in Texture Paint mode. (NOTE, THIS ADDON DOESN'T WORK YET ON VERTEXT PAINT MODE)

This is mainly inspired by such programs as Adobe Photoshop, where you are able to change blending modes via keyboard shortcuts (eg: Shift+Alt+M Multiply, Shift+Alt+S Screen, Shift+Alt+N Normal) enter image description here

Instructions: After you have installed the addon, in order to setup shortcuts go to:

User Preferences>Keymap>3D View>Image Paint > Image Paint (global)

Click on Add New + on the bottom of the list and paste the desired operators to change the blending mode.

enter image description here

Identifiers of operators

  • blendmode.mix
  • blendmode.dark
  • blendmode.mul
  • blendmode.colorburn
  • blendmode.linearburn
  • blendmode.lighten
  • blendmode.screen
  • blendmode.colordodge
  • blendmode.add
  • blendmode.overlay
  • blendmode.softlight
  • blendmode.hardlight
  • blendmode.vividlight
  • blendmode.linearlight
  • blendmode.pinlight
  • blendmode.difference
  • blendmode.exclusion
  • blendmode.sub
  • blendmode.hue
  • blendmode.saturation
  • blendmode.color
  • blendmode.luminosity
  • blendmode.erase_alpha
  • blendmode.add_alpha

If you are a programmer and can improve this code, please feel free to help!