COVID-19 BPMN Flowchart

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COVID-19 BPMN Flowchart

Aluna Health specializes in automation and support of clinical decision making. Our goal is to help health professionals navigate medically complex situations and to facilitate collaboration between departments. To demonstrate the capability of our algorithms, we created the COVID-19 aggregated flowchart.

We used a BPMN format that provides a standard, easy-to-read way to define and analyze complex processes. It is readily understandable by clinicians, management personnel, analysts and developers, which allows for universal use of this tool across health systems. BPMN is an executable format, it can aid in medical decision making by providing the healthcare professional with a map of possible clinical options for each patient at the time a decision needs to be made.

In creating the COVID-19 workflow chart we used clinical guidelines of CDC, NIH, WHO and the emerging body of clinical research. Please see the reference list for details. Please feel free to contribute and elaborate on this flowchart.

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