Libraries for controlling Arduino-based cars.
Linefollowing and Bluetooth modules can be added to the car and controlled with this same library.
Completely compatible with Arduino IDE 1.8.x .
The RobotAlgoritmica folder is where all the functionality resides.
In order to use it, you must open the Codigo folder and download the whole RobotAlgoritmica folder (you may have to download the whole GitHub project to access the Codigo folder locally).
Once downloaded, unzip it, and move the RobotAlgoritmica folder to Documents > Arduino (it should be there if you previously installed the Arduino IDE).
Next time Arduino IDE is executed:
- In Program > Include Library, the RobotAlgoritmica library should be in the list.
- In File > Examples, the RobotAlgoritmica examples should be in the list.
Software made by Alvar Tapia with the help of Universidad de Cantabria.