Un marco de Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications
Explore the docs »Introduction Course by Esteban Alvarez
Table of Contents
- Install dependencies
# nestjs cli
$ npm i -g @nestjs/cli
# docker
$ npm i -g @nestjs/cli
- Create project
$ nest new {project-name}
- Running app
# development
$ npm run start
# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev
# production mode
$ npm run start:prod
- Running tests
# unit tests
$ npm run test
# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e
# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov
- Docker
# init database
$ docker
# stop database
$ docker
- Introduction to NestJS
- What's inside a NestJS Application
- Lifecycle Events
- Controllers
- Providers
- Modules
- Middlewares
- Exceptions
- Pipes
- Interceptors
- Guards
- User Module
- Shared Module
- TypeORM
- Auth
- User CRUD
- Swagger
- Jest
- Accessing Lifecycle Events
- Lazy-loading modules
- Author - Kamil Myśliwiec
- Website - https://nestjs.com
Made with ❤️ by Esteban Alvarez