
No Name Virtual Machine.

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


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No Name Virtual Machine: A simple VM.

Table of Contents

Getting started


  • A C99+ compiler (gcc, clang, etc.).
  • A standard C library (glibc, uClibc, musl, etc.)
  • A GNU-compatible Makefile proccessor.
  • re2c >= 1.1.1
  • Python >= 3.7.x

Obtaining the sources

You will need to clone the repo, as following:

git clone https://github.com/Alvarito050506/n2vm.git


To build the VM and the compiler, do:


The assembler does not need to be compiled, since it's written in Python.


To install the VM, the compiler and the assembler in your system, run:

make install

This will probably require root/elevated permissions.


The n2vm architecture and design is heavily inspired by ARMv7+.

Endianess and lengths

n2vm is a big endian machine, it means that the LSB (Less Significant Byte) of a word as the first byte. The word lenght is 32 bits, and the instruction length is fixed to 32 bits too.

Instruction templates

All n2vm the instructions are 32-bit.

No operands (NP):

0x00 ----------
     | opcode |
0x08 ----------
     | cflags |
0x0c ----------
     | ignore |
0x20 ----------

Single-operand (SR):

0x00 -------------
     |  opcode   |
0x08 -------------
     |  cflags   |
0x0c -------------
     | reg/uint8 |
0x0f -------------
     |  ignore   |
0x20 -------------

Immediate to register (RI/RA):

0x00 ----------
     | opcode |
0x08 ----------
     | cflags |
0x0c ----------
     |  reg   |
0x0f ----------
     | uint16 |
0x20 ----------

Register to register (RR):

0x00 ----------
     | opcode |
0x08 ----------
     | cflags |
0x0c ----------
     |  dst   |
0x0f ----------
     |  sign  |
0x10 ----------
     | offset |
0x1c ----------
     |  src   |
0x20 ----------

Instruction set

PC is the program counter, gpr the registers, and mem the virtual memory, as defined here.

Mnemonic Opcode Template Description
nop 0x00 NP No operation.
inc 0x01 SR gpr[reg]++
dec 0x02 SR gpr[reg]--
add 0x03 RR gpr[dst] += gpr[src]
sub 0x04 RR gpr[dst] -= gpr[src]
mul 0x05 RR gpr[dst] *= gpr[src]
div 0x06 RR gpr[dst] /= gpr[src]
lri 0x07 RI gpr[reg] = uint16
lrt 0x08 RI Same as lri, but loads the uint16 at top.
lrr 0x09 RR gpr[dst] = gpr[src]
lrc 0x0a RR gpr[dst] = mem[gpr[src]]
lrh 0x0b RR Same as lrc, but loads a 16-bits short.
lrm 0x0c RR Same as lrc, but loads a 32-bits int.
lmc 0x0d RR mem[gpr[dst]] = gpr[src]
lmh 0x0e RR Same as lmc, but stores a 16-bits short.
lmr 0x0f RR Same as lmc, but stores a 32-bits int.
jmp 0x10 SR PC = gpr[src]
cmp 0x11 RR Compares src and dst and sets the flags.
shl 0x12 RR gpr[dst] <<= gpr[src]
shr 0x13 RR gpr[dst] >>= gpr[src]
ior 0x14 RR gpr[dst] |= gpr[src]
xor 0x15 RR gpr[dst] ^= gpr[src]
and 0x16 RR gpr[dst] &= gpr[src]
not 0x17 SR gpr[dst] ~= gpr[dst]
out 0x18 RI/RR Calls the I/O function ios[src].
inp 0x19 RI/RR See here.
cll 0x1a SR Same as jmp, but stores PC in the stack.
sys 0x1b SR Makes a system call to sys_tab[uint8].
ret 0x1c NP PC = stk[stc--]
hlt 0x1d NP Halts the VM, stops the execution.

Conditional execution

All the operations can be conditionally executed, but only the cmp operation can set the flags. The following is a list of avaiable flags:

  • al: 0b0000. Execute always.
  • eq: 0b1000. Execute if equal.
  • ne: 0b0100. Execute if not equal.
  • gt: 0b0010. Execute if greater than.
  • lt: 0b0001. Execute if less than.

The offset

Some SR/RR instructions do not ignore the sign and offset fields, instead they "add" these bits to the operation. The jump instructions jmp and cll add or substract offset to jump location depending on sign. Something similar happens with the arithmetic and logical operations, for example:

add 0x00, 0x01 +0x02 ; Adds the value of the register 0x01 plus 0x02 to the register 0x00.
sub 0x03, 0x04 +0x05 ; Substracts the value of the register 0x04 plus 0x05 to the register 0x03.

This could be used to implement position independent code, for example:

jmp 0x0f +0x08 ; Jumps to `other_place`, using a PC-relative jump.

	; Etc...


n2vm is like any other simple VM: Loads the bytecode and executes it until a hlt instruction or an error. The implementation uses an array of function pointers (op_t) to store the implementation of each opcode. Then it enters a loop that checks the flags and executes the next instruction:

# Python pseudocode.
while running:
	if not is_valid_op(op):
		return -1;
	if not check_flags(flags):
	if ops[op](vm, reg, val) != 0:
		return -1;


Basic syntax

The n2vm assembly is based on a simplified version of the GNU Assembly, where the "destination" comes before the "source":

; NP example
;  Does nothing

; SR example
;  Increments the register 0x00
inc 0x00

; RI example
;  Loads 0xcafe into the register 0x00
lri 0x00, 0xcafe

; RR example
;  Loads the value of the register 0x01 into the register 0x01
lrr 0x01, 0x01

The execution condition can be added at the end of the instruction:

; Conditional execution example
;  Jumps to the address loaded in the register 0x02 if the values
;  of the registers 0x01 and 0x00 are equal.
cmp 0x00, 0x01
jmp 0x01 !eq

Storing data

To store arbitrary data in memory, you can use the .data pseudo-instruction:

; Arbitrary data example
;  String
.data "Hello!\x00"
;  Integer
.data 0xbebe


The syntax for labels is a bit particular:

; Labels example
;  Main function, entry point.
;  Loads the address of `abc` in the register 0x00, and then halts the VM.
	lri 0x00, @abc
;  Arbitrary data.
	.data 0xabc01

The inp instruction

The inp instruction behaves so or less like out, except that it's used for input. Handling input requires and a special case, where the source comes before the destination:

; `inp` instruction example
;  Gets a character from the user (I/O port 0x01), and stores it into
;  the register 0x04.
inp 0x01, 0x04

You check the test folder for more examples.

N2 Language

The N2 Language (a.k.a. N2C), is a toy high-level language created for n2vm. It only supports a few basic operations, and more complex ones could be implemented in assembly. It is based on a mix of C and assembly, following the "everything is an pointer" philosophy.

  • Keywords: func, var, asm, call, return, cmp, goto.
  • Data types: pointers.
  • Comments: inline (//), multiline (/*...*/)


To declare variables (translated to labels), you can use the var keyword. Variables must be initialized in the declaration.

/* Variables example. */
var my_int = 0x00;  // Integer.
var my_str = "This is a string!\x00";  // Bytes/string.

You can also reassign existing variables as following.

my_int = 0x40000; // Reassigns `my_int` to a 32-bit integer.


To define functions (translated to labels), you can use the func keyword. And to return a specific value from functions, you can use the return keyword. There must be a main function in each program.

/* Functions example. */

func main
	return 0x00; // Returns 0x00.

To call a function, you can use the call keyword.

/* Function call example. */

func main
	call dummy; // Calls the `dummy` function.
	return 0x00;

func dummy
	return 0x01; // Returns 0x00.

Inline assembly and registers

The inline assembly is the following.

asm "lri 0x00, 0x01"; // Injects `lri 0x00, 0x01` in the code.

You can also directly manipulate registers ($r0...$r15).

$r1 = 0x05; // Same as `lri 0x01, 0x05`

You can directly execute the cmp and jmp instructions using the cmp and goto keywords:

cmp $r1 $r2;
goto some_label;

That is translated to:

; cmp $r1 $r2
cmp 0x01, 0x02

; goto some_label
lri 0x00, @some_label
jmp 0x00

You check the test folder for more examples.

Command line options


Usage: n2vm [options] file

  --help	Display this help and exit.
  -v		Displays the information about this VM.


Usage: n2as [options] file

  --help	Display this help and exit.
  --output=FILE	Place the output into <FILE>.
  -o FILE	Same as --output.
  -h		Same as --help.


Usage: n2cc [options] file

  --help	Display this help and exit.
  --output=FILE	Place the output into <FILE>.
  --no-preproc	Do not preprocess.
  -o FILE	Same as --output.
  -h		Same as --help.
  -n		Same as --no-preproc.
  -S		Compile only; do not assemble.


There's a low-level API to embedding n2vm into other software, exposed via the libn2vm.so library.

typedef struct n2vm_t

Represents a VM and its current state.

typedef struct n2vm_t {
	unsigned char* mem;    /* Virtual memory */
	unsigned int gpr[16];  /* Registers */
	unsigned int* stack;   /* Stack pointer */
	unsigned int* sys_tab; /* Syscall table pointer */
	unsigned int flags;    /* Conditional flags */
	int running;           /* 0 = true, 1 = false */
	int stc;               /* Stack counter */
	int mem_sz;            /* Memory size */
	int stk_sz;            /* Stack size */
	int sys_sz;            /* Syscall table size */
	op_t ios[16];          /* I/O functions */
	int ioc;               /* Count of assigned I/O ports */
} n2vm_t;

typedef int (*op_t)()

A function pointer to opcode implementations and I/O functions.

typedef int (*op_t)(n2vm_t* vm, unsigned char reg, unsigned short val);

int n2vm_init()

Initializes all the VMs (assigns the opcodes to their implementations). Returns 0 on success.

n2vm_t* n2vm_new(int mem_min, int mem_max, int stack_max, int sys_max)

Returns a pointer to a new VM. All the arguments are required.

  • mem_min: Required memory size (in bytes).
  • mem_max: Wanted memory size (in bytes).
  • stack_max: Required stack size.
  • sys_max: Required syscall table size.

Returns NULL and sets errno to ENOMEM if it fails to allocate at least sizeof(n2vm_t) + mem_min bytes of memory.

int n2vm_bind(n2vm_t* vm, op_t handler, int* index)

Tries to bind (assign) the handler function to an I/O port (dereferenced from index) of vm.

  • vm: A pointer to the VM.
  • handler: A pointer to a function matching (or compatible with) the op_t prototype.
  • index: A pointer to the wanted I/O port number. -1 for vm->ioc++.

Returns the I/O port number assigned to handler on success. It could be other number than *index if it is already handled/binded, you should check for this if your code depends on a specific port.

Returns -1 if vm, handler or index are NULL, or if there are no I/O ports avaiable.

int n2vm_run(n2vm_t* vm)

Executes the code in vm. Returns 0 on success, and -1 if there is an error in the code or the runtime or if vm, vm->mem, vm->stack, vm->sys_tab or are NULL.

int n2vm_clean(n2vm_t* vm)

Frees vm and its memory. Returns 0 on success, and -1 if vm or vm->mem are NULL.

A good example of how to use these functions and types can be found in the main.c file of the VM itself.


You can found syntaxes for nano and Geany in the cfg directory.

TODO list

  • Allow n2cc to generate position-independent code, and enable it by default.
  • Build a C-like preprocessor for n2cc.
  • Check how endianess-independent all the programs (n2vm, n2as, n2cc) actually are.


All the code of this project is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0).

All the documentation of this project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

CC BY-SA 4.0

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