
Dockerfile for android app testing


This is a simple Docker image for testing Android apps.


The image has its entrypoint in the home directory of the only user, build. In this directory you will find the following:

  • android-sdk-linux/: Folder with the SDK, tools and components according to the image tag.
  • android-wait-for-emulator: Script for waiting until a emulator has finished booting up.

There is also a preconfigured emulator named test. Details of its configuration can be looked up in the Dockerfile.

Relevant environment variables are already configured.

Example usage

# Clone your project
build~$ git clone my-project && cd my-project/
# Build sources before starting the emulator for better performance
build~$ ./gradlew assembleDebug
# Start the emulator from its folder to prevend dependency path issues
build~$ ( cd ~/android-sdk-linux/emulator && ./emulator -avd test -no-window -no-audio & )
# Wait for the emulator to start
build~$ ./android-wait-for-emulator
# Unlock the screen
build~$ adb shell input keyevent 82
# Run connected tests
build~$ ./gradlew connectedDebugAndroidTest


Build tags follow the form calendula-ci:compile_COMPILESDK-test_TESTSDK-tools_TOOLSVERSION, where:

  • COMPILESDK is the Android API level used for building, e.g. 26.
  • TESTSDK is the Android API level of the included emulator, e.g. 25.
  • TOOLSVERSION is the version of the installed build-tools, e.g. 25.0.3.