
Script which parses exported telegram .json contacts to vCard format (Export telegram contacts to vCard)

Primary LanguagePython

Export your Telegram contacts to vCard format and import it to your phone

Export your Telegram data

In Telegram Desktop go to Settings - Advanced - Export your Telegram data
If you're on Mac OS and don't have Advanced option in your client, try Telegram Lite from Mac App Store
Choose only 'Contacts' option
In the very bottom of the window there will be an option 'Machine-readable JSON', choose it.

You will receive a results.json file that will be very simillar to 'example.json' in this repo
Rename it to example.json or choose FILE_NAME_IN constant in main.py


git clone https://github.com/Alveona/telegram-contacts-to-vcard.git
cd telegram-contacts-to-vcard
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py

The output will be in example.vcf if you didn't change FILE_NAME_OUT constant