CPU/GPU decode performance

This repository contains the files used to evaluate the CPU/GPU jpeg image decode performance.

CPU Decode Example

To build the example:

cd CPU-decode; make

Run the CPU decode with the x.jpg as input:

cd CPU-decode
./cpu-decode <dir_with_jpg_rgb_images> <number_of_images_to_decode> 

GPU Decode Example

Set the -gencode argument on CMakeLists before the build. You can check the gpu architectures/virtual device architectures supported by the compiler with the following command:

nvcc --list-gpu-code --list-gpu-arch

To build it:

cd GPU-decode; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make; cd ..

To run:

cd GPU-decode
# To run this example the following condition must be TRUE:
# number_of_images % batch_size == 0 
./build/nvjpegDecoder <dir_with_jpg_rgb_images> <batch_size> <number_of_images_to_decode>