
Aframe component to inject custom GLSL into the THREE.js MeshStandardMaterial Shader

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Aframe component to inject custom GLSL into the THREE.js MeshStandardMaterial Shader.

Have a look at the example


Property Description Default Value
fragUniformsGLSL selectorAll - selects the script tag to inject in the beggining of the fragment shader #fragUniformsGLSL
fragModsGLSL selectorAll - selects the script tag to inject in main() of the fragment shader #fragModsGLSL
vertUniformsGLSL selectorAll - selects the script tag to inject in the beggining of the vertex shader #vertUniformsGLSL
vertModsGLSL selectorAll - selects the script tag to inject in main() of the fragment shader #vertModsGLSL
Note: you can also set almost every property accessible in the materials component


Include as a <script> tag:

<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/pbayer8/aframe-glsl-component/master/main.js"></script>


Add the glsl-standard component to an entity with geometry. Note that it works better with more segments:

<a-scene fog="type:linear;near:2;far:15;">
        <img src="images/floral.jpg" id="floral"/>
        <img src="images/couchnormal.png" id="couch"/>
        <img src="images/scene.jpg" id="sky"/>
        <img src="images/grass.png" id="grass"/>
    <a-sphere position="0 1.4 -2"

Then, write GLSL. This component gives you access to two vec3 type variables you can modify: finalPosition in the vertex shader, and finalColor in the fragment shader. The component creates and updates two floats variables time (mS) and seconds that you can use, and a vec3 objectNormal that you can read and use when modifying the finalPosition variable. I've also included a small collection of noise and shaping functions. You can specify alternate script tags, otherwise it defaults to what is listed in the API section above:

<script id="vertUniformsGLSL" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
    //add vertex shader uniforms, varyings and functions here:
    varying float wave1;
    varying float wave2;
<script id="vertModsGLSL" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
    //modify or reassign the finalPosition vec3 here:
    wave1 = sin(finalPosition.y*5.+seconds*2.);
    wave2 = cos(finalPosition.x*9.+seconds*3.);
    finalPosition.x += .1*wave1;
    finalPosition.z += .1* wave2;
<script id="fragUniformsGLSL" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
    //add fragment shader uniforms, varyings and functions here:
    varying float wave1;
    varying float wave2;
<script id="fragModsGLSL" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
    //modify or reassign the finalColor vec3 here:
    finalColor.r += min(wave1,0.);
    finalColor.b += wave2;

The result will look like: