PyYoutube Uploader

Project Overview:

This project aims to create a Python application with a QT6 GUI for automated YouTube video uploads. Users can input video title, description, tags, and privacy settings.


1. Requirements Gathering and Analysis (requirements, analysis)

  • Identify and document user requirements.
  • Analyze feasibility based on the collected requirements.

2. Design GUI using QT5 (design, development)

  • Design a user-friendly, intuitive mockup of the UI.
  • Create a functional prototype of the GUI using QT5.

3. Develop YouTube Video Uploader (development, integration)

  • Write Python code to interact with the YouTube API for video uploads.
  • Integrate the video uploader with the designed GUI.

4. Implement Video Details Feature (development, integration)

  • Develop functionalities to input title, description, tags, and privacy settings.
  • Integrate this feature with the video uploader and validation.

5. Testing and Deployment (testing, deployment)

  • Perform thorough unit and integration testing.
  • Deploy the finished application to a production environment.


  • User-friendly and intuitive GUI design.
  • Video format support matching YouTube's specifications.
  • Input validation for video details to prevent errors.