
A simple project for itk learning

Primary LanguageC++

A simple project for ITK learning!

1. requirements:

    1. cmake-3.13.0
    1. qt 5.11.1
    1. vs2017_64 bit
    1. VTK 8.1.1
    1. ITK 4.13.1

For how to install these packages, you can find the steps from my blog! Alxemade

2. How to use these codes?

First you download the code including Cmake and CPP documents. And then build in the cmake enviroment, and then run in the VS enviromnet. you can read my blog. Also, if you want to run the code in the qcreator platform, you can read other blogs in Alxemade

3. Questions?

If you have any questions, free free to contact with me. My email adress is: chaoxu06@mail.ustc.edu.cn