Handwriting... with style!
This is the code for the paper "Text and Style Conditioned GAN for the Generation of Offline-Handwriting Lines" published at BMVC 2020. https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.00678
This was originally Brian Davis's summer 2019 internship project at Adobe (https://github.com/adobe-research/hw_with_style). It was then extended afterwards (while at BYU) and finally published.
The trained models (snapshots) are available as a file in the release (https://github.com/herobd/handwriting_line_generation/releases/tag/w1.0).
Code structure based on victoresque pytorch template.
- Python 3.x
- PyTorch >1.0
- torchvision
- opencv
- scikit-image
- editdistance
In the configs
directory are several jsons which have the parameters used for the paper. The "data_loader": "data_dir"
needs set to the location of the dataset directory. You can also adjust the GPU options here.
First the handwriting reconition model and feature encoder networks need trained.
HWR: python train.py -c configs/cf_IAM_hwr_cnnOnly_batchnorm_aug.json
Encoder: python train.py -c configs/cf_IAM_auto_2tight_newCTC.json
Then the generator can be trained: python train.py -c configs/cf_IAMslant_noMask_charSpecSingleAppend_GANMedMT_autoAEMoPrcp2tightNewCTCUseGen_balB_hCF0.75_sMG.json
The RIMES dataset will use:
HWR: python train.py -c configs/cf_RIMESLines_hwr_cnnOnly_batchnorm_aug.json
GAN: python train.py -c configs/cf_RIMESLinesslant_noMask_charSpecSingleAppend_GANMedMT_autoAEMoPrcp2tightNewCTCUseGen_balB_hCF0.75_sMG.json
RIMES resuses the IAM encoder.
Figures for the paper were made using generate.py
Usage: `python generate.py -c path/to/snapshot.pth -d output_directory -g #[optional gpu flag] -s style_pickle_file[optional] -T[optional, use test set]
You can also use -h
It has several "modes" to select from once it's loaded the model. Use h
to display them. Most will ask for additional input (desired text, number of styles, etc). The output is saved to the supplied -d
Some modes need the datasets styles in a pickle. I've included the IAM/RIME test sets with the trained snapshots. Use get_styles.py
to extract any additional ones. Some modes just want example images.
python get_styles.py -c path/to/snapshot.pth -d output_directory -g #[optional gpu flag] -T[optional, do test set, otherwise does trian and valid]
The RIMES training uses a text file of French (french_news.txt
). This really can be any medium (maybe even small) French text corpus. I used the one found at https://webhose.io/free-datasets/french-news-articles/
To compile it's jsons into the .txt file, use the script found at data/compile_french_new.py
. First create a file listing all the jsons (ls > jsons.txt
) then run the script.
I don't remember where I got the english text corpus (at least part of it is the OANC https://www.anc.org/data/oanc/download/ dataset), but really any one should do. It just expects a txt file with just text.
├── train.py - Use this to train
├── new_eval.py - Use this to evaluate and save images. Some examples of how to run this in notes.txt. This was used to generate the reconstruction images for the paper.
├── get_styles.py - This uses a trained model to extract style vectors from a dataset and save them.
├── generate.py - This is an interactive script to generate images using a trained model, including interpolations. Figures for the paper were generally created using this.
├── umap_styles.py - This generates the umap plots used in the paper
├── graph.py - Display plots given a training snapshot
├── old_generate.py - This will generate images given a json having lists of style images, text lines, and output paths. (I don't know if this works still)
├── eval_writer_id.py - was intended to evaluate writer identification performance given the style vectors, but I don't know if I ever got it working correctly.
├── base/ - abstract base classes
│ ├── base_data_loader.py - abstract base class for data loaders (unused?)
│ ├── base_model.py - abstract base class for models
│ └── base_trainer.py - abstract base class for trainers
├── data/ - this has various files that were convenient to keep with the project
├── data_loader/
│ └── data_loaders.py - This just gets you the right dataset
├── datasets/ - default datasets folder
│ ├── hw_dataset.py - basic dataset made to handle IAM data at the line level
│ ├── author_hw_dataset.py - This sorts instances by author and has a 'a_batch_size', which is how many by each author should be in the batch (batch_size is number of authors)
│ ├── author_word_dataset.py - Same as above only at word level instead of line level
│ ├── (the "mixed_author" datasets have different splits which mix authors over the splits)
│ ├── author_rimes_dataset.py - Same as author_hw_dataset.py, but for RIMES words
│ ├── author_rimeslines_dataset.py - Same as author_hw_dataset.py, but for RIMES lines
│ ├── synth_hw_dataset.py - For training a HWR model using the generated images
│ ├── create_synth_text_dataset.py - Generate images for synth_hw_dataset.py (although it can generate them on the fly)
│ └── test*.py - This are scripts to run through a dataset and simply display what's being returned. For debugging purposes.
├── logger/ - for training process logging
│ └── logger.py
├── model/ - models, losses, and metrics
│ ├── loss.py - has all losses, here or imported here
│ ├── MUNIT_networks.py - has code from MUNIT paper as well as my own generator classes
│ ├── aligned_l1_loss.py - l1 loss after aligning input and target by sliding them along eachother
│ ├── attention.py - functions for multi-head dot product attention
│ ├── author_classifier.py - auxiliary patch-based model to classify author id
│ ├── char_cond_discriminator_ap.py - discriminator with seperate classifying heads for each character, accepts character specific style vectors
│ ├── char_gen.py - generator model which accepts character specific style vectors
│ ├── cnn_lstm.py - Code from Start, Follow, Read, with minor tweaks to allow Group Norm and logsoftmax at the end
│ ├── cnn_lstm_skip.py - above model, but has skip conenction past LSTM layers
│ ├── cnn_only_hwr.py - Alternate network to do HWR without recourrent layers. Doesn't work too well.
│ ├── google_hwr.py - Non-RNN based HWR based on "A Scalable Handwritten Text Recognition System"
│ ├── deform_hwr.py - Code to allow ElasticDeform and DeformableConvs in HWR network without style (for baseline)
│ ├── discriminator.py - Has various discriminators I tried, all using spectral norm
│ ├── cond_discriminator_ap.py - Discriminator used in paper. Has many options to make it conditioned on style, text
│ ├── cond_discriminator.py - Older version, less options, doesn't use average pooling
│ ├── dtw_loss.py - l1 loss after aligning input and target using dynamic programming. Didn't have success with this.
│ ├── elastic_layer.py - Chris's code along with my modification to allow style appending
│ ├── grcl.py - Gated Recurrent Convolution Layer
│ │
│ ├── hw_with_style.py - Primary model which contains all submodels.
│ │
│ ├── join_net.py - Part of Curtis's code for training an aligning network. Never got this working
│ ├── key_loss.py - Defines the loss to cause keys to be alteast some distance from their closest neighbor
│ ├── lookup_style.py - intended to create a learned style vector for each author, rather than extracting them from example images
│ ├── mask_rnn.py - Both spacing and mask generation networks, RNN and CNN based
│ ├── net_builder.py - various auxilary network construction functions from previous project. I think I only use "getGroupSize()" to use with Group Norm
│ ├── pretrained_gen.py - generator model I experminetned with where it was pretrained as the decoder of an autoencoder
│ ├── pure_gen.py - contains model from paper (PureGen) as well as several variations I experimented with
│ ├── simple_gan.py - None-StyleGAN based generator, and a simpler discriminator
│ ├── pyramid_l1_loss.py - exactly what it says
│ ├── style.py - old style extractor network
│ ├── char_style.py - style extractor from paper, that uses character specific heads
│ ├── vae_style.py - style extractor which predicts two parts for using with VAE
│ └── style_hwr.py - Various models of HWR that use a style vector.
├── saved/ - default checkpoints folder
├── configs/ - configuration files for reproducibility
├── old_configs/ - all the other config files I've used during development/other projects
├── trainer/ - trainers
│ ├── hw_with_style_trainer.py - This has the code to run training (there are two methods for training, depending on whether a curriculum is specified)
│ └── trainer.py
└── utils/
├── util.py - importantly has code to create mask from handwriting image and extact centerline from handwriting image
├── augmentation.py - Chris's brightness augmentation
├── curriculum.py - this object handles tracking the curriculum during training
├── character_set.py - Gets the character set from label files (modfied from Start,Follow,Read code)
├── error_rates.py - character error, etc
├── grid_distortion.py - Curtis's augmentation
├── metainit.py - I tried getting this paper to work: "MetaInit: Initialzing learning by learning to initialize"
├── normalize_line.py - functions to noramlize a line image
├── parseIAM.py - parses the xmls IAM has
├── parseRIMESlines.py - parse the GT for RIMES into line images
├── string_utils.py - used for converting string characters to their class numbers and back
└── util.py - various functions
I'm not sure if this still works...
Usage: python old_generate.py -c path/to/snapshot.pth -l list_file.json
The list file has the following format:
It is a list of "jobs. Each job looks like
"style": ["path/image1", "path/image1",...],
"text": ["generate this text", "and this text", ...],
"out": ["path/save/this", "path/save/that", ...]
All of the style images are appended together to extrac a single style and it is used to generate the given texts.
You can do a single image using the flags -s "path/image1 path/image2" -t "generate this text" -o path/save/this
If you want to interpolate, add "interpolate:0.1"
to the object. The float is the interpolation step size. It must have only one text (and out path) and each style image will have a style extracted from it individually. The interpolation will be between each of the images' styles (and back to the first one).
Config files are in .json
"name": "long_Gskip", #name for saving
"cuda": true, #use GPUs
"gpu": 0, #only single GPU supported
"save_mode": "state_dict", #can change to save whole model
"override": true, #if resuming, replace config file
"super_computer":false, #whether to mute log output
"data_loader": {
"data_set_name": "AuthorHWDataset", #class name
"data_dir": "/trainman-mount/trainman-storage-8308c0a4-7f25-47ad-ae22-1de9e3faf4ad", #IAM loaction on sensei
"Xdata_dir": "../data/IAM/",
"batch_size": 1,
"a_batch_size": 2,
"shuffle": true,
"num_workers": 2,
"img_height": 64,
"max_width": 1400,
"char_file": "./data/IAM_char_set.json",
"mask_post": ["thresh","dilateCircle","errodeCircle"],
"mask_random": false,
"spaced_loc": "../saved/spaced/spaced.pkl"
"validation": {
"shuffle": false,
"batch_size": 3,
"a_batch_size": 2,
"spaced_loc": "../saved/spaced/val_spaced.pkl"
"lr_scheduler_type": "none",
"optimizer_type": "Adam",
"optimizer": {
"lr": 0.00001,
"weight_decay": 0,
"betas": [0.5,0.99]
"optimizer_type_discriminator": "Adam", #seperate optimizer for discriminators
"optimizer_discriminator": {
"lr": 0.00001,
"weight_decay": 0,
"betas": [0,0.9]
"loss": { #adversarial losses (generative and discriminator) are hard coded and not specified here
"auto": "pyramidL1Loss",
"key": "pushMinDist",
"count": "MSELoss",
"mask": "HingeLoss",
"feature": "L1Loss",
"reconRecog": "CTCLoss",
"genRecog": "CTCLoss",
"genAutoStyle": "L1Loss"
"loss_weights": { #multiplied to loss to balance them
"auto": 1,
"discriminator": 0.1,
"generator": 0.01,
"key": 0.001,
"count": 0.1,
"mask": 0.1,
"mask_generator": 0.01,
"mask_discriminator": 0.01,
"feature": 0.0000001,
"reconRecog": 0.000001,
"genRecog": 0.0001,
"style_discriminator": 0.1,
"style_generator": 0.01,
"genAutoStyle": 0.1
"loss_params": #additional params passed directly to function
"auto": {"weights":[0.4,0.3,0.3],
"pool": "avg"},
"key": {"dist":"l1",
"thresh": 1.0},
"mask": {"threshold": 4}
"metrics": [], #unused
"trainer": {
"class": "HWWithStyleTrainer",
"iterations": 700000, #Everything is iterations, because epochs are weird.
"save_dir": "../saved/",
"val_step": 2000, #how frequently to run through validation set
"save_step": 5000, #how frequently to save a seperate snapshot of the training & model
"save_step_minor": 250, #how frequently to save a "latest" model (overwrites)
"log_step": 100, #how frequently to print training stats
"verbosity": 1,
"monitor": "loss",
"monitor_mode": "none",
"space_input": true,
"style_together": true, #append sty
"use_hwr_pred_for_style": true,
"slow_param_names": ["keys"],
"curriculum": {
"0": [["auto"],["auto-disc"]],
"1000": [["auto", "auto-gen"],["auto-disc"]],
"80000": [["count","mask","gt_spaced","mask-gen"],["auto-disc","mask-disc"]],
"100000": [ [1,"count","mask","gt_spaced","mask-gen"],
"balance_loss": true,
"interpolate_gen_styles": "extra-0.25",
"text_data": "data/lotr.txt",
"use_learning_schedule": false
"arch": "HWWithStyle",
"model": {
"num_class": 80,
"generator": "SpacedWithMask",
"gen_dim": 128,
"gen_n_res1": 2,
"gen_n_res2": 3,
"gen_n_res3": 2,
"gen_use_skips": true,
"hwr": "CRNN_group_norm_softmax",
"pretrained_hwr": "../saved/IAM_hwr_softmax_aug/checkpoint-latest.pth",
"hwr_frozen": true,
"style": "new",
"style_dim": 256,
"num_keys": 64,
"global_pool": true,
"discriminator": "two-scale-better more low global",
"spacer": "duplicates",
"create_mask": true,
"mask_discriminator": "with derivitive"
Modify the configurations in .json
config files, then run:
python train.py --config config.json
You can resume from a previously saved checkpoint by:
python train.py --resume path/to/checkpoint
The checkpoints will be saved in save_dir/name/
The config file is saved in the same folder. (as a reference only, the config is loaded from the checkpoint)
Note: checkpoints contain:
'arch': arch,
'epoch': epoch,
'logger': self.train_logger,
'state_dict': self.model.state_dict(),
'optimizer': self.optimizer.state_dict(),
'monitor_best': self.monitor_best,
'config': self.config
Save styles using get_styles.py
Then umap_styles.py styles.pkl [image dir]