
Code for BMVC2020 paper "Text and Style Conditioned GAN for Generation of Offline Handwriting Lines"

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Handwriting line generation

Handwriting... with style!

This is the code for the paper "Text and Style Conditioned GAN for the Generation of Offline-Handwriting Lines" published at BMVC 2020. https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.00678

This was originally Brian Davis's summer 2019 internship project at Adobe (https://github.com/adobe-research/hw_with_style). It was then extended afterwards (while at BYU) and finally published.

The trained models (snapshots) are available as a file in the release (https://github.com/herobd/handwriting_line_generation/releases/tag/w1.0).

Code structure based on victoresque pytorch template.


  • Python 3.x
  • PyTorch >1.0
  • torchvision
  • opencv
  • scikit-image
  • editdistance

Reproducability instructions

In the configs directory are several jsons which have the parameters used for the paper. The "data_loader": "data_dir" needs set to the location of the dataset directory. You can also adjust the GPU options here.

First the handwriting reconition model and feature encoder networks need trained.

HWR: python train.py -c configs/cf_IAM_hwr_cnnOnly_batchnorm_aug.json

Encoder: python train.py -c configs/cf_IAM_auto_2tight_newCTC.json

Then the generator can be trained: python train.py -c configs/cf_IAMslant_noMask_charSpecSingleAppend_GANMedMT_autoAEMoPrcp2tightNewCTCUseGen_balB_hCF0.75_sMG.json

The RIMES dataset will use:

HWR: python train.py -c configs/cf_RIMESLines_hwr_cnnOnly_batchnorm_aug.json

GAN: python train.py -c configs/cf_RIMESLinesslant_noMask_charSpecSingleAppend_GANMedMT_autoAEMoPrcp2tightNewCTCUseGen_balB_hCF0.75_sMG.json

RIMES resuses the IAM encoder.

Figures for the paper were made using generate.py

Generating images using generate.py

Usage: `python generate.py -c path/to/snapshot.pth -d output_directory -g #[optional gpu flag] -s style_pickle_file[optional] -T[optional, use test set]

You can also use -h

It has several "modes" to select from once it's loaded the model. Use h to display them. Most will ask for additional input (desired text, number of styles, etc). The output is saved to the supplied -d location.

Some modes need the datasets styles in a pickle. I've included the IAM/RIME test sets with the trained snapshots. Use get_styles.py to extract any additional ones. Some modes just want example images.

python get_styles.py -c path/to/snapshot.pth -d output_directory -g #[optional gpu flag] -T[optional, do test set, otherwise does trian and valid]


The RIMES training uses a text file of French (french_news.txt). This really can be any medium (maybe even small) French text corpus. I used the one found at https://webhose.io/free-datasets/french-news-articles/ To compile it's jsons into the .txt file, use the script found at data/compile_french_new.py. First create a file listing all the jsons (ls > jsons.txt) then run the script.

I don't remember where I got the english text corpus (at least part of it is the OANC https://www.anc.org/data/oanc/download/ dataset), but really any one should do. It just expects a txt file with just text.

Folder Structure

├── train.py - Use this to train
├── new_eval.py - Use this to evaluate and save images. Some examples of how to run this in notes.txt. This was used to generate the reconstruction images for the paper.
├── get_styles.py - This uses a trained model to extract style vectors from a dataset and save them.
├── generate.py - This is an interactive script to generate images using a trained model, including interpolations. Figures for the paper were generally created using this.
├── umap_styles.py - This generates the umap plots used in the paper
├── graph.py - Display plots given a training snapshot
├── old_generate.py - This will generate images given a json having lists of style images, text lines, and output paths. (I don't know if this works still)
├── eval_writer_id.py - was intended to evaluate writer identification performance given the style vectors, but I don't know if I ever got it working correctly.
├── base/ - abstract base classes
│   ├── base_data_loader.py - abstract base class for data loaders (unused?)
│   ├── base_model.py - abstract base class for models
│   └── base_trainer.py - abstract base class for trainers
├── data/ - this has various files that were convenient to keep with the project
├── data_loader/ 
│   └── data_loaders.py - This just gets you the right dataset
├── datasets/ - default datasets folder
│   ├── hw_dataset.py - basic dataset made to handle IAM data at the line level
│   ├── author_hw_dataset.py - This sorts instances by author and has a 'a_batch_size', which is how many by each author should be in the batch (batch_size is number of authors)
│   ├── author_word_dataset.py - Same as above only at word level instead of line level
│   ├── (the "mixed_author" datasets have different splits which mix authors over the splits)
│   ├── author_rimes_dataset.py - Same as author_hw_dataset.py, but for RIMES words
│   ├── author_rimeslines_dataset.py - Same as author_hw_dataset.py, but for RIMES lines
│   ├── synth_hw_dataset.py - For training a HWR model using the generated images
│   ├── create_synth_text_dataset.py - Generate images for synth_hw_dataset.py (although it can generate them on the fly)
│   └── test*.py - This are scripts to run through a dataset and simply display what's being returned. For debugging purposes.
├── logger/ - for training process logging
│   └── logger.py
├── model/ - models, losses, and metrics
│   ├── loss.py - has all losses, here or imported here
│   ├── MUNIT_networks.py - has code from MUNIT paper as well as my own generator classes
│   ├── aligned_l1_loss.py - l1 loss after aligning input and target  by sliding them along eachother
│   ├── attention.py - functions for multi-head dot product attention
│   ├── author_classifier.py - auxiliary patch-based model to classify author id
│   ├── char_cond_discriminator_ap.py - discriminator with seperate classifying heads for each character, accepts character specific style vectors
│   ├── char_gen.py - generator model which accepts character specific style vectors
│   ├── cnn_lstm.py - Code from Start, Follow, Read, with minor tweaks to allow Group Norm and logsoftmax at the end
│   ├── cnn_lstm_skip.py - above model, but has skip conenction past LSTM layers
│   ├── cnn_only_hwr.py - Alternate network to do HWR without recourrent layers. Doesn't work too well.
│   ├── google_hwr.py - Non-RNN based HWR based on "A Scalable Handwritten Text Recognition System"
│   ├── deform_hwr.py - Code to allow ElasticDeform and DeformableConvs in HWR network without style (for baseline)
│   ├── discriminator.py - Has various discriminators I tried, all using spectral norm
│   ├── cond_discriminator_ap.py - Discriminator used in paper. Has many options to make it conditioned on style, text
│   ├── cond_discriminator.py - Older version, less options, doesn't use average pooling
│   ├── dtw_loss.py - l1 loss after aligning input and target using dynamic programming. Didn't have success with this.
│   ├── elastic_layer.py - Chris's code along with my modification to allow style appending
│   ├── grcl.py - Gated Recurrent Convolution Layer
│   │
│   ├── hw_with_style.py - Primary model which contains all submodels.
│   │
│   ├── join_net.py - Part of Curtis's code for training an aligning network. Never got this working
│   ├── key_loss.py - Defines the loss to cause keys to be alteast some distance from their closest neighbor
│   ├── lookup_style.py - intended to create a learned style vector for each author, rather than extracting them from example images
│   ├── mask_rnn.py - Both spacing and mask generation networks, RNN and CNN based
│   ├── net_builder.py - various auxilary network construction functions from previous project. I think I only use "getGroupSize()" to use with Group Norm
│   ├── pretrained_gen.py - generator model I experminetned with where it was pretrained as the decoder of an autoencoder
│   ├── pure_gen.py - contains model from paper (PureGen) as well as several variations I experimented with
│   ├── simple_gan.py - None-StyleGAN based generator, and a simpler discriminator
│   ├── pyramid_l1_loss.py - exactly what it says
│   ├── style.py - old style extractor network
│   ├── char_style.py - style extractor from paper, that uses character specific heads
│   ├── vae_style.py - style extractor which predicts two parts for using with VAE
│   └── style_hwr.py - Various models of HWR that use a style vector.
├── saved/ - default checkpoints folder
├── configs/ - configuration files for reproducibility
├── old_configs/ - all the other config files I've used during development/other projects
├── trainer/ - trainers
│   ├── hw_with_style_trainer.py - This has the code to run training (there are two methods for training, depending on whether a curriculum is specified)
│   └── trainer.py
└── utils/
    ├── util.py - importantly has code to create mask from handwriting image and extact centerline from handwriting image
    ├── augmentation.py - Chris's brightness augmentation
    ├── curriculum.py - this object handles tracking the curriculum during training
    ├── character_set.py - Gets the character set from label files (modfied from Start,Follow,Read code)
    ├── error_rates.py - character error, etc
    ├── grid_distortion.py - Curtis's augmentation
    ├── metainit.py - I tried getting this paper to work: "MetaInit: Initialzing learning by learning to initialize"
    ├── normalize_line.py - functions to noramlize a line image
    ├── parseIAM.py - parses the xmls IAM has
    ├── parseRIMESlines.py - parse the GT for RIMES into line images
    ├── string_utils.py - used for converting string characters to their class numbers and back
    └── util.py - various functions

Using old_generate.py

I'm not sure if this still works...

Usage: python old_generate.py -c path/to/snapshot.pth -l list_file.json

The list file has the following format:

It is a list of "jobs. Each job looks like

    "style": ["path/image1", "path/image1",...],
    "text": ["generate this text", "and this text", ...],
    "out": ["path/save/this", "path/save/that", ...]

All of the style images are appended together to extrac a single style and it is used to generate the given texts.

You can do a single image using the flags -s "path/image1 path/image2" -t "generate this text" -o path/save/this.

If you want to interpolate, add "interpolate:0.1" to the object. The float is the interpolation step size. It must have only one text (and out path) and each style image will have a style extracted from it individually. The interpolation will be between each of the images' styles (and back to the first one).

Config file format

Config files are in .json format.

  "name": "long_Gskip",                                       #name for saving
  "cuda": true,                                               #use GPUs
  "gpu": 0,                                                   #only single GPU supported
  "save_mode": "state_dict",                                  #can change to save whole model
  "override": true,                                           #if resuming, replace config file
  "super_computer":false,                                     #whether to mute log output
  "data_loader": {
      "data_set_name": "AuthorHWDataset",                     #class name

      "data_dir": "/trainman-mount/trainman-storage-8308c0a4-7f25-47ad-ae22-1de9e3faf4ad",    #IAM loaction on sensei
      "Xdata_dir": "../data/IAM/",
      "batch_size": 1,
      "a_batch_size": 2,
      "shuffle": true,
      "num_workers": 2,

      "img_height": 64,
      "max_width": 1400,
      "char_file": "./data/IAM_char_set.json",
      "mask_post": ["thresh","dilateCircle","errodeCircle"],
      "mask_random": false,
      "spaced_loc": "../saved/spaced/spaced.pkl"
  "validation": {
      "shuffle": false,
      "batch_size": 3,
      "a_batch_size": 2,
      "spaced_loc": "../saved/spaced/val_spaced.pkl"

  "lr_scheduler_type": "none",

  "optimizer_type": "Adam",
  "optimizer": {
      "lr": 0.00001,
      "weight_decay": 0,
      "betas": [0.5,0.99]
  "optimizer_type_discriminator": "Adam",                 #seperate optimizer for discriminators
  "optimizer_discriminator": {
      "lr": 0.00001,
      "weight_decay": 0,
      "betas": [0,0.9]
  "loss": {                                               #adversarial losses (generative and discriminator) are hard coded and not specified here
      "auto": "pyramidL1Loss",
      "key": "pushMinDist",
      "count": "MSELoss",
      "mask": "HingeLoss",
      "feature": "L1Loss",
      "reconRecog": "CTCLoss",
      "genRecog": "CTCLoss",
      "genAutoStyle": "L1Loss"
  "loss_weights": {                                       #multiplied to loss to balance them
      "auto": 1,
      "discriminator": 0.1,
      "generator": 0.01,
      "key": 0.001,
      "count": 0.1,
      "mask": 0.1,
      "mask_generator": 0.01,
      "mask_discriminator": 0.01,
      "feature": 0.0000001,
      "reconRecog": 0.000001,
      "genRecog": 0.0001,
      "style_discriminator": 0.1,
      "style_generator": 0.01,
      "genAutoStyle": 0.1

  "loss_params":                                          #additional params passed directly to function
          "auto": {"weights":[0.4,0.3,0.3],
                   "pool": "avg"},
          "key": {"dist":"l1",
                  "thresh": 1.0},
          "mask": {"threshold": 4}
  "metrics": [],                                          #unused
  "trainer": {
      "class": "HWWithStyleTrainer",
      "iterations": 700000,                               #Everything is iterations, because epochs are weird.
      "save_dir": "../saved/",
      "val_step": 2000,                                   #how frequently to run through validation set
      "save_step": 5000,                                  #how frequently to save a seperate snapshot of the training & model
      "save_step_minor": 250,                             #how frequently to save a "latest" model (overwrites)
      "log_step": 100,                                    #how frequently to print training stats
      "verbosity": 1,
      "monitor": "loss",
      "monitor_mode": "none",
      "space_input": true,
      "style_together": true,                             #append sty
      "use_hwr_pred_for_style": true,
      "slow_param_names": ["keys"],
      "curriculum": {
          "0": [["auto"],["auto-disc"]],
          "1000": [["auto", "auto-gen"],["auto-disc"]],
          "80000": [["count","mask","gt_spaced","mask-gen"],["auto-disc","mask-disc"]],
          "100000": [  [1,"count","mask","gt_spaced","mask-gen"],
      "balance_loss": true,
      "interpolate_gen_styles": "extra-0.25",

  "text_data": "data/lotr.txt",

      "use_learning_schedule": false
  "arch": "HWWithStyle", 
  "model": {
      "num_class": 80,
      "generator": "SpacedWithMask",
      "gen_dim": 128,
      "gen_n_res1": 2,
      "gen_n_res2": 3,
      "gen_n_res3": 2,
      "gen_use_skips": true,
  "hwr": "CRNN_group_norm_softmax",
      "pretrained_hwr": "../saved/IAM_hwr_softmax_aug/checkpoint-latest.pth",
      "hwr_frozen": true,
      "style": "new",
      "style_dim": 256,
      "num_keys": 64,
      "global_pool": true,
      "discriminator": "two-scale-better more low global",
      "spacer": "duplicates",
      "create_mask": true,
      "mask_discriminator": "with derivitive"


Using config files

Modify the configurations in .json config files, then run:

python train.py --config config.json

Resuming from checkpoints

You can resume from a previously saved checkpoint by:

python train.py --resume path/to/checkpoint

The checkpoints will be saved in save_dir/name/.

The config file is saved in the same folder. (as a reference only, the config is loaded from the checkpoint)

Note: checkpoints contain:

  'arch': arch,
  'epoch': epoch,
  'logger': self.train_logger,
  'state_dict': self.model.state_dict(),
  'optimizer': self.optimizer.state_dict(),
  'monitor_best': self.monitor_best,
  'config': self.config


Save styles using get_styles.py Then umap_styles.py styles.pkl [image dir]