
Backend API and Client Application for a Raspberry Pi fingerprint-based attendance System.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Backend API for a Raspberry Pi fingerprint based attendance System

The purpose of this README.md file is to explain the steps required to setup this project in your local environment for development

Download the dotnet SDK

Download here

Download node/npm

From here

Open your favourite terminal

Navigate to the ClientApp directory and run the command below:

$ npm install

Afterwarrds, navigate to the project's root folder(where you find Startup.cs) and run the command below:

$ dotnet restore
$ dotnet build
$ dotnet run

Add Database Environmental Variable to PC:

    setx GEES_REC_DATABASE_URL "postgres://awmwwkqlljmamp:8abf716137e2dc3ecb25e0095aedae50bb9aee9996ee372531962a77ee40dcdb@ec2-54-217-213-79.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:5432/d6cp0dg409flif"

You're good to go