
A Raspberry Pi based Weather Station and Mini TV with Node.js, React.js and sockets.io

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Raspberry Pi based Weather Station and Mini TV


  • Local Server runs on Node.js express
  • Frontend is based on React.js
  • The kiosk.sh runs the express server, starts up Chromium in kiosk mode and naviagtes to the server's address
  • The kiosk.sh script is run on every reboot via a cronjob
  • The wather data is fetched and sent to the server via the dht.py script which uses the Adafruit DHT python library
  • DHT11 sensor is used and its data pin is connected to Pin 7 (GPIO4) of the Raspberry Pi

Deployment Process

Follow the below instructions

  • Ensure Node.JS is installed
  • git clone https://github.com/AmSmart/home-tv
  • npm install (in ./home-tv)
  • npm install (in ./home-tv/ClientApp)
  • npm run build (in ./home-tv/ClientApp)
  • ENSURE the Node installation path tallies with the ones in the shell scripts - ./home-tv/startup.sh and ./home-tv/kiosk.sh. Also ensure both scrips have adequate permission to be executed
  • crontab -e
    (Add the below line to the cron file, ensure you subsitute the app's directory) @reboot $APP_DIRECTORY/startup.sh
  • Reboot the Pi to test