
Multi Stablecoin & collateral protocol. Starting with Naira Stablecoin (xNGN)

Primary LanguageSolidity

Protocol Core

Deployment address

Base Georli

Contract Name Addresses
Vault Contract 0xeAb261C2021Af0e3AC9D716C6b7BaDAd73caCfff
Currency Contract (xNGN) 0x774843f6Baa4AAE62F026a8aF3c1C6FF3e55Ca39
Feed Contract 0x44b6Cb68F7636E7859CfC83af73bfCFB11184c95

To install libraries needed, run:

forge install

To run tests, run:

forge test -vvv --gas-report

To run slither, run:

slither .

To start a local node, run:


To run deploy the deploy script, (be sure to have the parameters in ./deployConfigs/*.json/ needed for your script populated and also have an anvil instance running), run:

forge script script/deploy.s.sol:DeployScript --fork-url http://localhost:8545 --broadcast

Deploy Config

Meaning of parameters of the deploy configs

  • baseRate: The base rate of the protocol, should be the per second rate, e.g 1.5% would be ((uint256(1.5e18) / uint256(100)) / uint256(365 days), i.e 475646879.
  • collaterals: collateral types
    • collateralAddress: contract address of the given collateral on the given chain.
    • collateralRate: The collateral rate of the given collateral on the given chain, calculated same as baseRate.
    • liquidationThreshold: liquidation threshold of the given collateral, denominated in wad, where 1e18 == 100% and 0.5e18 == 50%.
    • liquidationBonus: liquidation bonus of the given collateral, denominated same as liquidationThreshold.
    • debtCeiling: debt ceiling of the currency for the given collateral.
    • collateralFloorPerPosition: minimum amount of collateral allowed to borrow against.