Caffeine Safe

This application helps a coffee lover maintain his/her caffeine intake on a safe level. The users can choose their favorite caffeine drink and enter the amount they consumed. The app will tell them how many more they can have to stay on the safe level. Web app built with React, Redux on the client side, and Node on the server side. I'm using Sequelize for mysql database. In this application, I also implemented a user Login and Registration with jsonwebtoken, bcrypt and API calls.

Set up on your computer

- Clone this repository git clone in your terminal (bash or iterm works)
- Move to the main directory cd Caffeine-Safe/
- Make sure you have NPM and Node installed (you can use homebrew)
- Download mysql from if you do not already have it, and add new database named Caffeine
- The current user is root and password root but you can edit /config/environment/local.json to your liking.
- Run npm install
- Run npm start
- Check http://localhost:8082