TO-DO LIST - PHP, MySQL, Composer, and JavaScript

This is a simple TO-DO list application built using PHP, MySQL, Composer, and JavaScript. The application allows users to create, view, edit, and mark tasks as completed.


  • PHP 5.6 or higher
  • MySQL database
  • Composer


  1. Clone the repository to your local environment:

  1. Navigate to the project directory:

cd to-do-list

  1. Install dependencies using Composer:

composer install

  1. Set up the MySQL database:

    • Create a new database named to-do-list (you can use a different name if desired).
    • Import the database schema from the database.sql file located in the sql directory.
  2. Configure the database connection:

    • Rename the config.example.php file in the src directory to config.php.
    • Open config.php and update the database credentials with your MySQL username, password, and database name.
  3. Start the PHP development server:

php -S localhost:8000 -t public

  1. Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8000 to access the TO-DO list application.


  • To add a new task, fill out the form in the "Create a new TO-DO List" section on the homepage and click "ADD TASK". The task will be added to the list below.
  • To edit a task, click the "Edit" button next to the task you want to modify. You can update the task details and click "Save Changes" to save the updates.
  • To mark a task as completed, click the radio button next to the task title. The task title will be crossed out to indicate completion.