
Android app, written in Java, to teach Kotlin.

Primary LanguageHTML


iKotlin is a simple Kotlin language learning app. ( But it's written in Java :D ) . Check it out on Google Play !


This repo contains clean, well-commented code for many Android utilities. You can fork or clone this repo to easily learn/implement similar or the same following :

  • User registration with firebase + Facebook and Linkedin APIs

    • Firebase user authentication.
    • User registration to MySQL database using a restful API and Volley library.
    • Social Login (Facebook and Linkedin APIs) and managing retreived data on app.


  • Managing fragments and working with listviews, recyclerviews and custom adapters

    • Working with multiple fragments in one Activity / managing the fragment backstack.
    • Handling activites / fragments lifecycles (given that the app is based on fragments, and, performs much network calls).*
    • Working with SwipeRefreshLayouts, custom list adapters, handling data in lists, ect...




  • What about a Kotlin compiler ?

    • Back to the network calls, if you need to compile Kotlin code on your app, this repo will help you ! It is as simple as performing a POST call on kotlinlang.org's services as shown in CompetitionServices.java's compileCode() .


  • More cool ui components / libraries used

    • Using webviews to load html/css/js content from in-app assets.
    • Implementing vertical TabLayouts, custom progress bars and more.