
📓 Django React Notes App

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Django React Notes App

This project is a fullstack web application using Python and JavaScript technologies. It leverages Django for the backend and React for the frontend. The application implements JWT authentication for secure user management and includes deployment instructions.

Table of Contents


The backend is built with Django and handles API requests and data storage.

Key Technologies:

  • Django: Framework for building the backend.
  • django-cors-headers: Middleware for handling cross-origin requests.
  • djangorestframework-simplejwt: Package for JWT authentication.
  • psycopg2-binary: PostgreSQL adapter for Django.
  • python-dotenv: For managing environment variables.


The frontend is built with React and provides user-facing components to interact with the backend API (e.g., sign-in, sign-out, registration).

Key Technologies:

  • React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Axios: Library for making HTTP requests.
  • axios-interceptor: Intercepts requests to automatically add authentication headers.

End Goal

The ultimate goal is to deploy both the backend and frontend and ensure they are properly connected.

Deployment Notes

  • Ensure django-cors-headers is configured to resolve cross-origin request issues.
  • Utilize djangorestframework-simplejwt for managing JWT authentication.
  • Use psycopg2-binary for PostgreSQL database interaction.
  • Manage environment variables using python-dotenv.
  • JWT Authentication:
    • JWT tokens are used to manage user authentication. The frontend will request tokens from the backend, which are then used to access protected endpoints.
    • Two types of tokens are issued: access token (for making requests) and refresh token (for obtaining a new access token).
  • Django ORM and Serializers:
    • ORM (Object-Relational Mapping): Maps Python objects to database tables, simplifying database operations.
    • Serializers: Convert Python objects to JSON format and vice versa, facilitating communication between the API and frontend.
  • Create a Django App:
    python manage.py startapp api
    • This command creates a new directory api inside the backend directory for custom views and code.
  • Axios:
    • Use Axios for making HTTP requests to the backend.
    • Implement axios-interceptor to automatically add JWT tokens to request headers.

Django Project Setup

  1. Setup Virtual Environment and Install Dependencies: Navigate to the backend folder.

    cd backend/
    python -m virtualenv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Environment Setup:

    • Setup the backend using choreo. Create a PostgreSQL database, get the environment variables, and include them in the .env file inside the backend/backend directory.
    # Example .env file
  3. Migrations:

    • Create migration files:
      python manage.py makemigrations
    • Apply migrations to the database:
      python manage.py migrate
    • Run server:
      python manage.py runserver

Frontend Setup

  1. Install Dependencies and Start Development Server:

    cd frontend/
    npm install
    npm run dev
  2. Configure Environment Variables:

    Create a .env file in the frontend directory and set the VITE_API_URL variable:


    This environment variable allows to dynamically set the base URL for all the API requests. By using import.meta.env.VITE_API_URL in the code, API URL can easily be loaded or changed based on the environment (development, production, etc.) application is running in. This simplifies the configuration and ensures consistency across your application.

JWT Authentication Flow

  1. Frontend Authentication:

    • The frontend sends user credentials to the backend.
    • The backend responds with access and refresh tokens if credentials are valid.
  2. Token Storage:

    • Store tokens securely on the frontend to manage authentication.
  3. Token Expiry:

    • Access Token: Valid for a short period (e.g., 30 minutes). Use the refresh token to obtain a new access token when it expires.
    • Refresh Token: Valid for a longer period (e.g., 1 day). Requires re-authentication upon expiry.

Application Screenshots

View Application Screenshots

Login Page

Register Page

Registering User

Notes Page

Note Created

Second Note Addition

Second Note Added

By following these instructions, you will have a complete setup for a Django and React application with JWT authentication and deployment capabilities.