Youtube Trending Video Scraper built with React and Node

A web application to scrap the popular videos from Youtube, save them into the database, and list down the video on a webpage from the database.


Checkout this live demo of the Youtube Trending Scraper app. Once the App has launched, follow these instructions:

1. It Automatically Loads Trending Video List on Home page 
2. Click on any Video to Play and get more descriptive information, this will redirect you to new page "/video-detail" 
3. Video Autoplay here but in mute.
4. Scrap Video using Green Button "Scrap Trending Video" on Home Page .
5. Refresh the Home page after Scraping to see the changes .
6. A Navbar menu on top is provided for easy routing  

Backend Endpoint Apis

Checkout live backend Api BackendApi Live Demo

1. GET("/ping")                    : for Checking Server is up or not.
2. GET("video/scrapVideos")        : for scraping Videos 
* this may fail sometime due to Request Timeout Error *  
(request took longer than 30 seconds )

3. GET("video/fetchAllVideos")     : for fetching All Videos
4. GET("video/fetchVideoById/:id") : for fetching Video By Id



You will need Node.js and npm on your local environment to download and run this application. Visit to learn the specifics on downloading, installing and running Node.js. npm is packaged with Node.js.


You will need ReactJS on your local environment to download and run this application. Visit to learn the specifics on downloading, intalling and running ReactJS.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the this application up and running on your local environment for development and testing purposes.

Running Backend Locally (Nodejs Server )

  1. Clone the project
git clone
  1. Move to the backend directory
cd bluestack-task/bs-backend
  1. Install dependencies with the package manager
npm install
  1. Start the application with the package manager
npm start

Your app should now be running on localhost:4000.

Running Frontend Locally (React App)

  1. Clone the project (Skip this Part if You already clone the repo)
   git clone
  1. Move to the frontent directory
   cd bluestack-task/bs-frontend-react
  1. Install dependencies with the package manager
   npm install
  1. Start the application with the package manager
   npm start

Your app should now be running on localhost:3000.
