
@Kong DB-Less Hybrid sync using decK

Primary LanguageShell


Allows for DB-Less Kong Data Planes with just the Admin API, KIC, and a Proxy to sync with a Control Plane with DB.


kong-deck-hybrid-sync is a simple way to replicate a unique data plane environment across multiple clusters to be synced with a central control plane.

It has the following features:

  • dump and sync
  • select how often to run a dump
  • select when to start the first dump, whether time of day or relative to container start time


To run a sync, launch kong-deck-hybrid-sync image as a container with the correct parameters. Everything is controlled by environment variables passed to the container.

The following are the environment variables for a backup:

  • DS_RUN_FREQ: How often to do a dump and sync, in minutes. Defaults to 5 minutes.
  • DS_RUN_ONCE: Run the backup once and exit if RUN_ONCE is set. Useful if you use an external scheduler (e.g. as part of an orchestration solution like Cattle or Docker Swarm or kubernetes cron jobs) and don't want the container to do the scheduling internally. If you use this option, all other scheduling options, like DB_DUMP_FREQ and DB_DUMP_BEGIN and DB_DUMP_CRON, become obsolete.
  • DS_RUN_BEGIN: What time to do the first dump. Defaults to 1 minute. Must be in one of two formats:
    • Absolute: HHMM, e.g. 2330 or 0415
    • Relative: +MM, i.e. how many minutes after starting the container, e.g. +10 (in 10 minutes), or +90 in an hour and a half
  • DS_RUN_CRON: Set the dump schedule using standard crontab syntax, a single line.
  • VERBOSE: Enables set -x in the script, which prints out every command as it is run. Useful for debugging.
  • DS_DEBUG: Enables output of the Kong decK commands. Useful for debugging.
  • KONG_CP_WORKSPACE: The workspace used in the remote control plane. Defaults to default.
  • KONG_DP_WORKSPACE: The workspace used in the local data plane. Defaults to default.
  • KONG_DP_ADMIN_URL: The URL of the data plane admin API. Defaults to using environment variables set by the helm deployment which has to local IP and port of the Admin API used by the data plane.
  • KONG_CP_ADMIN_URL: The URL of of the control plane Admin API.
  • KONG_CP_ADMIN_TOKEN: If using RBAC on the control plane this should be set to an RBAC user with READ/WRITE access to the workspace set in KONG_WORKSPACE.


There are several options for scheduling how often a backup should run:

  • DS_RUN_ONCE: run just once and exit.
  • DS_RUN_CRON: run on a schedule.
  • DS_RUN_FREQ and DS_RUN_BEGIN: run every x minutes, and run the first one at a particular time.

Cron Scheduling

If a cron-scheduled backup takes longer than the beginning of the next backup window, it will be skipped. For example, if your cron line is scheduled to backup every hour, as follows:

0 * * * *

And the backup that runs at 13:00 finishes at 14:05, the next backup will not be immediate, but rather at 15:00.

The cron algorithm is as follows: after each backup run, calculate the next time that the cron statement will be true and schedule the backup then.

Order of Priority

The scheduling options have an order of priority:

  1. RUN_ONCE runs once, immediately, and exits, ignoring everything else.
  2. DS_RUN_CRON: runs according to the cron schedule, ignoring DB_DUMP_FREQ and DB_DUMP_BEGIN.
  3. DB_DUMP_FREQ and DB_DUMP_BEGIN: if nothing else is set.


By default the container will need the proper Kong-Admin-Token header passed as the env var KONG_CP_ADMIN_TOKEN for the Control Plane.

Use Case

Please see the examples/ folder for a helm sidecar pattern using the Kong Helm Chart