
Asynchronous PyTorch model serving on top of either Apache Kafka or Google PubSub

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Asynchronous PyTorch model serving on top of event streaming platforms such as Apache Kafka or Google PubSub

Architecture Diagram

Usage Guide

  1. Git clone (or download and unpack) the repository

  2. Change to the project directory

$ cd AsyncTorchServe-Kafka-Pubsub/
  1. Setup and activate a Python virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install the requirements
$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
$ python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools
$ python -m pip install --upgrade wheel

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Setup the configuration in ./config.ini
stream_broker = Kafka
; stream_broker = PubSub

[models] ; list of models to instantiate in the server

bootstrap_servers = localhost:9092

project = ; enter google cloud project
account_keypath = ; enter path to the private key json
  1. For Apache Kafka, start the docker container:
$ docker-compose up

For Google PubSub, install the Google Cloud SDK gcloud and setup a Google Cloud project with PubSub API enabled.

  1. Add our package to Python's path before running the following scripts
$ export PYTHONPATH=./
  1. Create the streaming topics
$ python bin/topics.py --create
  1. Start the server
$ python async_torchserve/app.py --config=config.ini
  1. Send downloaded FashionMNIST images to the input topic interactively
$ python bin/push_data.py --download
  1. Pull the streaming predictions from the output topic
python bin/pull_data.py
  1. Cleanup by deleting the topics, especially if using Google PubSub
python bin/topics.py --delete