
Adding Unit testing using Mocha and Chai to my Hospital-Api project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


We’re going to design an API using Node.js and MongoDB for the doctors of a Hospital which has been allocated by the govt for testing and quarantine + well being of COVID-19 patients

How to set it up on your local Computer?

  1. Clone the Package to your local System
  2. Navigate to the folder wherein the project has been cloned
  3. Open Terminal and type npm install [Make sure node is already installed in your system!]
  4. Type node app.js
  5. The app should run on default port 8000 or if you've mentioned env port it'll run on that.
  6. Not working? Ping me!.

What are the Different API's in this project?

1)/doctors/register → Registers a new Doctor to the hospital Database takes in madatory username and password
2) /doctors/login → Doctor Login with username and password, if Authenticated, Returns the JSON Web token, takes in madatory username and password
3) /patients/register → API to register a new Patient, This is a protected route only authorized doctor can create a new Patient. Takes in madatory patients id, whichis the phone number as phone
4) /patients/:id/create_report → API to create a report for the Patient with ID id . Takes in a mandatory field Status in it
5) /patients/:id/all_reports → To Show all the reports of a particular Patient with id id. unprotected Route.
6) /reports/:status → To Show all the reports in the database with a particular status lets say Positive or Negative Or Quarantined etc.

What's in the folders?

  1. Entry point : app.js.
  2. config : Contains configuration files of Mongoose and Passport Authentication Strategies.
  3. Controllers\api : The controllers for various API's like Doctor API or Patient API or Report API.
  4. Models : Mongoose Models for the Doctors, Patients and reports!
  5. routes : index.js which manages routes efficiently to have a scalable project.
  6. views : Empty For now :)