
The Stardoll Voting Automation project uses Selenium WebDriver to automate the Stardoll voting process, simplifying tasks such as logging in, navigating pages, and executing votes. This Node.js script, supported by the dotenv library, enhances efficiency and serves as a testing platform for Selenium's web automation capabilities.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Stardoll Voting Automation


This project utilizes the Selenium WebDriver to automate the process of voting on Stardoll, a popular online fashion and dress-up game. The script is designed to perform several actions, including logging in, navigating to the design page, scrolling to the bottom, accessing the favorites, and voting ten times in succession.


Before running the script, ensure you have the following installed:


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.

  2. Navigate to the project directory using the terminal.

  3. Run the following command to install dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Create a .env file in the project root and provide your Stardoll login credentials:


Running the Script

Execute the following command to run the script:

node server.js

This will launch the Selenium WebDriver, navigate to Stardoll, and perform the automated voting process.

Code Organization

  • server.js: Main script file containing the automation logic.
  • .env: Configuration file for storing sensitive data, such as login credentials.
  • node_modules/: Directory containing Node.js dependencies.
  • package.json: Configuration file for npm packages and scripts.

Technologies Used

  • Selenium WebDriver: Used for automating web browser interactions.
  • Node.js: JavaScript runtime environment.
  • dotenv: Library for loading environment variables from a .env file.

Script Architecture

The script is organized into several functions, each responsible for a specific action:

  • login: Initiates the login process by clicking the login button and entering credentials.
  • navigateToDesignPage: Navigates to the design page within Stardoll.
  • scrollToBottom: Scrolls to the bottom of the page to reveal additional content.
  • navigateToFavorites: Accesses the favorites section.
  • voteTenTimes: Performs the voting action ten times in succession.

The main function, StardollVote, orchestrates these actions in a sequential manner.