The Top Deck application is a full-stack application that adhers to a MVC file structure with full CRUD. The current application allows users to build their own Pokemon decks from a database of Pokemon cards. This includes cards from the base deck through Sword and Shield. They can update the name of their deck as well as as delete cards from their deck.
The application is deployed through Heroku and can be accessed here:
Forthcoming Features: Additional styling using React Bootstrap | Sign up/log in functionality, with encrypted passwords & an authorization flow
Initial Wireframe:
Current Wireframe: Landing Page: Main Page ( my-decks.js): Created a deck by user inputing a name and then clicking the 'create the deck' button: Updated deck name to say "winner" when deck name is clicked on: Deleted a deck by clicking on the delete button:
User Stories: As a user I want to create a deck by giving it a specific name so that it is personalized. | As a user I want to edit the name of a deck so that it changes to being called winner.| As a user I want to see the Pokemon cards so that I know what is available . | As a user I want to delete a deck name from the deck list.
Technologies Used: Node.js | Mongoose | Mongodb Atlas | Express | React| React Router | Third Party API. -
Create an application that would enable Pokemon TCG players to easily create and personalize deck lists.
Unsolved Problems: N/A
Developer Team Notes:
Any Pokemon cards, images, logos, verbiage etc are owned by The Pokémon Company & Nintendo. The Top Deck development team is not profiting off of the Top Deck project.