
Detailed Information about Service in Android

Primary LanguageKotlin


Detailed Information about Service in Android. Its include

  • Android Service
  • Intent Service
  • Job Intent Service
  • JobService and JobScheduler
  • ForeGroundService
  • WorkManage
    • Worker , CoroutineWorker
    • WorkRequest
      • OneTime
      • Periodic
    • Constraints
    • Conflict Policy
      • OneTime
      • Periodic
        • KEEP , REPLACE , UPDATE(in latest)
  • Some Interview Question?
  • What happen when we call Same AsyncTask instance twice at the same time?
  • And: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot execute task: the task is already running.
  • What Happen when started thread called start again on the same thread.
  • Throws: IllegalThreadStateException - if the thread was already started. So yes, a Thread can only be started once.If so than what do I do if I want to run the thread again? If a Thread needs to be run more than once, then one should make an new instance of the Thread and call start on it.

What is Service

A service is an android application component that can perform long running operation in the background. It does not provide UI. Once started, a service might continue running for some time, even after the user switches to another application.

A Service run in the main thread of its hosting process. by default is not creating a worker therd.

Types of Services

Foreground Service

A foreground service performs some operation that is noticeable to the user.Foreground services must display a Notification. Foreground services continue running even when the user isn't interacting with the app. example Music App.This notification cannot be dismissed unless the service is either stopped or removed from the foreground. WorkManager is preferable to using foreground services directly.

Background Service

A background service performs an operation that isn't directly noticed by the user. For example, if an app used a service to compact its storage, that would usually be a background service. f your app targets API level 26 or higher, the system imposes restrictions on running background services when the app itself isn't in the foreground.

Bound Service.

A service is bound when an application component binds to it by calling bindService(). A bound service offers a client-server interface that allows components to interact with the service, send requests, receive results, and even do so across processes with interprocess communication (IPC). A bound service runs only as long as another application component is bound to it. Multiple components can bind to the service at once, but when all of them unbind, the service is destroyed. A bound service can not be stop, untill all the component that bound to the service are unbound. Activity , Service and Content Provider are the components that are bind to a service.

Local Binding -> bind service in same App.

Remote Binding -> Two Apps comminicate using bound service.(Not in Android Documentation)

Two Apps can communicate and stablished a communication using messager and AIDL(Android Interface deffination Language). AIDL for Multithreaded environment. Messager is sutable for non-multithreaded environment.

Bound Service Implementation using Messanger

it is a wrapper on IBinder so we will get the IBinder from messanger. ServiceConnection is an Interface that have two method onServiceDisconnected(p0: ComponentName?) and onServiceConnected(p0: ComponentName?, p1: IBinder?)

// Server side implemntation.'
// Here we crearte the instance of messanger.
private val randomMessenger = Messenger(RandomNumberRequestHandler())

// here we create the Handler
inner class RandomNumberRequestHandler : Handler(){  
override fun handleMessage(msg: Message) {  
val messageGetRandomNumber=Message.obtain(null,GET_COUNT)  
try {  
}catch (e: Exception){  
  }  }  }  
}  }

// Client Side 

serviceConnection=object :ServiceConnection{  
override fun onServiceConnected(p0: ComponentName?, p1: IBinder?) {  
Log.e(TAG, "onServiceConnected: ${p0?.className} p1 ${p1?.isBinderAlive}")  
randomNoRequestMessenger= Messenger(p1)  
randomNoReceiveMessenger= Messenger(ReceiveRandomNumberHandler())  
override fun onServiceDisconnected(p0: ComponentName?) {  
Log.e(TAG, "onServiceDisconnected: ${p0?.className}")  
override fun onBindingDied(name: ComponentName?) {  
Log.e(TAG, "onBindingDied: $name")  
override fun onNullBinding(name: ComponentName?) {  
Log.e(TAG, "onNullBinding: $name")  

inner class ReceiveRandomNumberHandler : Handler(){  
override fun handleMessage(msg: Message) {  
binding.tvClientRandomNo.text="Random Number received from Server is $randomNumberValue"  

Lifecycle of service.

onCreate() , onStartCommand() , onDestroy()

onCreate() , onBind() , onStarrtCommand() , onUnbind() , onDestroy().

Service behaviour

What happen to the service when the system resuorse crunch situation occurred.

  1. System will kill the service after a time , also if the service is running that have the higher priority to not killed but it will killed by system if more memory required by system.
  2. System will kill the service and it will restart the service or not after some time that will depends on the cvalue return by the onStartCommand() method.
    1. START_STICKEY -> Always Auto restart the service , with null intent. example music App
    2. START_NOT_STICKEY -> Not restrt the service , with intent when started Example Alarm App and data pooling in prodically.
    3. START_REDELIVER_INTENT ->Auto-restrt , with latest intent. Example -> File download.

Intent Service

onCreate() onHandleIntent() onDestroy

Intent service is depicated , if you are using 8 or + use jobIntentService

  • this one is run on worker thread so no need to start the thread
  • As we notice a we go on background it stops after two minutes.

Intent service by default run on the serprate worker thread. onHandleIntent() method is thread safe so when we call startService() multiple times it will add the all requests in queue and all the request will call in sequential manner. Same behaviour for the bound service too.

From Android 8 or Api 26 , We have some restriction on background services, As the service goes in background, Service got stopped.

Job Intent service

It is helpful to run the service in background. in Android 8 + onStopCurrentWork() -> true You restart the service , false means you are not care about reschedule or restart the service
permission ->android.permission.BIND_JOB_SERVICE onHandleWork(intent Intent){} // this method is called and hanlde the task here add wake lock permission in manifest -> to avoid stop service in background. to enqueue the job we need to use the public static void enqueueWork(Context context , jobID, Intent work) as we call the enqueueWork method the onHandleWork() methd call in service. JOB id should be unique , if we have diifernt job id without the finish the first service and enqueue another service with different job id then app got crashed.

Once the service is started it is not going to stop by using stopService(). It wil be stopSelf() when the work is done. it will stop it self.

When we call enqueue multiple times, it enqueue the job in queue and execute in the sequence as teh entered. If we kill the app it will stop the service so it is not gurantee that it will execute , while app is killed. Buts as we retrun true in onStopCurrentWork() method so it will reschedule the service after some time and this will start executing the service again.


With the jobScheduler that will help us to execute the service perodically and with some conditions. By default you run on this service is run on trhe UI thread. I want to sync a fine in evey 15 min. if connected to internet and device is booted. We can stop the service , by calling jobScheduler.cancle(jobID) When we kill the app and service will stop and it will start after some time.

permission ->`android.permission.BIND_JOB_SERVICE 
onStartJob(JobParamters):Boolean , true -> long running , fasle -> short running
onStopJob(JobParameters):Boolean , true -> restart if killed , false -> not
onDestroy() Void
Job Scheduler
jonScheduler = getSystemService(JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE)
JobInfor -> Network , battery , Wifi , JonID , backOff Policy and all. 
minimum value for preodic is 15 min. 
Foreground Service

To prevet the service got killed. perform operation that are noticable to the user. permission -> android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE. API level 29 or higher: You must declare all foreground services that use location information, using the location service type. API level 30 or higher: You must declare all foreground services that use the camera or microphone, using the camera or microphone service type, respectively. API level 34 or higher: You must declare all foreground services with their service types. If you try to create a foreground service and its type isn't declared in the manifest, the system throws a MissingForegroundServiceTypeException upon calling startForeground().

Just call teh startForegroundService(id , notifiocation) in onHandleIntent() in Service and call the service in Activity using ContextCompat.startForegroundService(this,foregroundService)

On Android 14 (API level 34) or higher, there are special situations to be aware of if you're starting a foreground service that needs while-in-use permissions.

Exemptions from background start restrictions In the following situations, your app can start foreground services even while your app runs in the background: Your app transitions from a user-visible state, such as an activity. Your app can start an activity from the background, except for the case where the app has an activity in the back stack of an existing task. Your app receives a high priority message using Firebase Cloud Messaging.

Caution: If your app starts a foreground service while running in the background on a device that runs Android 11 (API level 30) or higher, your app cannot access location information unless the user has granted the ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission to your app. For more information, view the guidance about the while-in-use restrictions that are associated with foreground services.

Work Manager

WorkManager is the recommended solution for persistent work. combination of opportunistic and guaranteed execution. Opportunistic execution means that WorkManager will do your background work as soon as it can. Guaranteed execution means that WorkManager will take care of the logic to start your work under a variety of situations, even if you navigate away from your app.

It can Handle Three types of persistent works

Immediate: Tasks that must begin immediately and complete soon. May be expedited. Long Running: Tasks which might run for longer, potentially longer than 10 minutes. Deferrable: Scheduled tasks that start at a later time and can run periodically.

Work constraints

Declaratively define the optimal conditions for your work to run using work constraints. For example, run only when the device is on an unmetered network, when the device is idle, or when it has sufficient battery.

Robust scheduling

WorkManager allows you to schedule work to run one-time or repeatedly using flexible scheduling windows.

Expedited work

You can use WorkManager to schedule immediate work for execution in the background. You should use Expedited work for tasks that are important to the user and which complete within a few minutes.

Flexible retry policy

Sometimes work fails. WorkManager offers flexible retry policies, including a configurable exponential backoff policy.

Work chaining

For complex related work, chain individual work tasks togetherusing an intuitive interface that allows you to control which pieces run sequentially and which run in parallel.

How to implement the Work

  1. Extend a class with Worker and implement doWork() need to implement that it will run asynchronously on background thread. The Result returned from doWork() informs the WorkManager service whether the work succeeded and, in the case of failure, whether or not the work should be retried. Result.success(): The work finished successfully. Result.failure(): The work failed. Result.retry(): The work failed and should be tried at another time according to its retry policy.
  2. Create a WorkRequest , it can be one time or preodic.
val uploadWorkRequest:  WorkRequest  = 
  1. Create the intance or Work manager and enqueue the worker.

WorkManager 2.7.0 introduced the concept of expedited work Importance: Expedited work suits tasks which are important to the user or are user-initiated. Speed: Expedited work best fits short tasks that start immediately and complete within a few minutes. Quotas: A system-level quota that limits foreground execution time determines whether an expedited job can start. Power Management: Power management restrictions, such as Battery Saver and Doze, are less likely to affect expedited work. **Latency: **The system immediately executes expedited work, provided that the system's current workload enables it to do so. This means they are latency sensitive and can't be scheduled for later execution. Example:- chat -> send image and chat. Payment and subscription app flow.


The system must allocate execution time to an expedited job before it can run. Execition time is not unlimited. each app receive a quoto os execution time While your app is in the foreground, quotas won’t limit the execution of expedited work. An execution time quota applies only when your app is in the background, or when your app moves to the background. As such, you should expedite work that you want to continue in the background. You can continue to use setForeground() while your app is in the foreground.

//this is how we can set expedited work.
val request =  

To maintain backwards compatibility for expedited jobs, WorkManager might run a foreground service on platform versions older than Android 12.

Failing to implement the corresponding getForegroundInfo method can lead to runtime crashes when calling setExpedited on older platform versions.


Worker do not know that it is a expedited or not. workers can display a notification on some versions of Android when a WorkRequest has been expedited. WorkManager provides the getForegroundInfoAsync() method, which you must implement so WorkManager can display a notification to start a ForegroundService for you where necessary.


you must implement getForegroundInfo(). You then pass it to setForeground() within doWork(). Doing so will create the notification in versions of Android prior to 12

You should wrap setForeground() in a try/catch block to catch a potential IllegalStateException. These might occur when your app is not able to run in the foreground at this point. In Android 12 and higher you can use the more detailed ForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException.

  • OutOfQuotaPolicy.RUN_AS_NON_EXPEDITED_WORK_REQUEST, job to run as an ordinary work request.
  • OutOfQuotaPolicy.DROP_WORK_REQUEST, the request to cancel if there is not sufficient quota.

Work Constraints

val constraints =  Constraints.Builder()  .setRequiredNetworkType(NetworkType.UNMETERED)  
val myWorkRequest:  WorkRequest  =  OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<MyWork>()  .setConstraints(constraints) 

Retry and backoff policy

you can return Result.retry() from your worker. Your work is then rescheduled according to a backoff delay and backoff policy.

Backoff Delay: minimum ammout of time to wait before retrying your work after first attempt. MIN_BACKOFF_MILLIS = 10 sec not less than that.

Backoff policy how the backoff delay should increase over time for subsequent retry attempts. LINEAR and EXPONENTIAL

Every work request has a backoff policy and backoff delay. The default policy is EXPONENTIAL with a delay of 30 seconds.

Unique Work

Unique work is a powerful concept that guarantees that you only have one instance of work with a particular name at a time.

WorkManager.enqueueUniqueWork() for one time work
WorkManager.enqueueUniquePeriodicWork() for periodic work

One-time work, you provide an ExistingWorkPolicy

  • REPLACE: repleace the current work with new and cancel the current work
  • KEEP: Keep the current work and ignore the new.
  • APPEND: new work to be chained to the existing work, running after the existing work finishes. If the existing work becomes CANCELLED or FAILED, the new work is also CANCELLED or FAILED.
  • APPEND_OR_REPLACE: similarly to APPEND, except that it is not dependent on prerequisite work status. If the existing work is CANCELLED or FAILED, the new work still runs

Period work, you provide an ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy, which supports 2 options, REPLACE and KEEP.

Complex work queries

The following example shows how you can find all work with the tag, “syncTag”, that is in the FAILED or CANCELLED state and has a unique work name of either “preProcess” or “sync”.

val workQuery =  WorkQuery.Builder  
.addStates(listOf(WorkInfo.State.FAILED,  WorkInfo.State.CANCELLED))  .addUniqueWorkNames(listOf("preProcess",  "sync")  )  

val workInfos:  ListenableFuture<List<WorkInfo>>  = 

onStopped() callback

As your worker get stopped.

isStopped() property

Just to check worker is stopped or not.

Update Work // todo need to be done.