
#30DaysOfKotlin @GoogleDevsIN #Kotlin #Android

Primary LanguageKotlin

Kotlin30Days : 30DaysOfKotlin

Its a simple project to combine all the learning that we have learned during the course time . Its really helpful to get the knowledge from the community. We tried to make a simple APP using some concepts that we have learned in few days, this project is showcase of my learning during #30DaysOfKotlin conducted by Google developers India.

Technology slack

  • Kotlin first so its written in kotlin. Awesome Kotlin
  • MVVM
  • Dagger2
  • DataBinding
  • ViewBinding
  • Navigation Component
  • Room
  • kotlin coroutines
  • Firebase Auth
  • Build Type


this not an app basically its bundle of concepts and learning, I have just created a conceptual repo that cover android MVVM architecture using Dagger2 with room , databindig and kotlin coroutines . Here using kotlin coroutines with dagger2 and room is new learning for me. We phase many type of errors when we use all the things together specially Dagger2, Room and databiunding.

Build Type

Build type and variant is an exciting topic so as of now i just keep it simple and created two variant Demo and Prod.

In future will update more this.



  • MVVM
  • Android Architecture Components
  • Android Data Binding
  • Dagger 2 for dependency injection
  • Retrofit for REST api communication
  • Glide for image loading
  • Room for database
  • Lottee for animation
  • kotlin coroutines for background task
  • View Binding
  • Navigation Components
  • Material Design Library
  • FireBase Auth for login and registration


Thanks @Google developers India #30DaysKotlin for provding such a great platform for learning.