
Kotlin Coroutine Examples

Primary LanguageKotlin

Kotlin Coroutines

About Project

  • This project is have implementation views of coroutines , We have sample for operatoes , channels , Buffers and all items.

  • We also include android architecture components for demo.

    • Navigation component.
    • MVVM architecture.
    • Room for offline store data
    • Kotlin coroutines for Background
    • Retrofit for api hitting
    • Single Activity architecture.
  • Inside project we have some packages for the topics

  • View

    • it include all the UI or view related stuff.
  • db

    • for room database
  • model

    • Just model that we have used for data model class or tables for Room database
  • Rest of all

    • Rest packages are concept or topic based for coroutine


  • A coroutine is a concurrency design pattern that you can use on Android to simplify code that executes asynchronously.
  • A coroutine is an instance of suspendable computation.
  • However, a coroutine is not bound to any particular thread. It may suspend its execution in one thread and resume in another one.
  • Coroutines follow a principle of structured concurrency which means that new coroutines can be only launched in a specific CoroutineScope which delimits the lifetime of the coroutine.
  • Its like we can run the coroutines in a thread so its is too fast , or we can run so many coroutines.
  • Many coroutines can be operated at the same time inside a thread. So its like many of coroutines you can host inside a thread.
  • Simplify async code , callbacks and synchronisation.
  • Coroutine can be pause or resume at any time.
  • Coroutine shifted from one Thread to another thread when it resume.


  • LightWeight
    • You can run many coroutines on a single thread due to support for suspension, which doesn't block the thread where the coroutine is running. Suspending saves memory over blocking while supporting many concurrent operations.
  • Fewer memory leaks
    • Use structured concurrency to run operations within a scope.
  • Built-in cancellation support
  • Jetpack integration:

Basic Concepts


  • Create and run coroutines, provides lifecycle events like pause , resume and cancel.
  • Allow Stop and start
  • Are used to create and manage coroutine.
  • GlobalScope.launch{}
    • it means the scope of this coroutine is entire application.
    • If it is running in the background , it will not stop until the aap stop.
    • It is not used much
  • runBlocking{}
    • create a scope and run coroutine in a Blocking way.
    • It is useful when you want to stop the execution of a code and run your coroutine in blocking way.
  • CoroutineScope{}
    • Create a scope does not complete until all children coroutines complete.
    • This coroutine is not complete until all the child coroutine get completed.


  • Scope provide a context in which the coroutine run.
  • its simply a state of coroutine.
  • Its set of dada that related to the coroutine , When a Scope create a coroutine that scope automatically provide a context for the coroutine.
  • Set of variable and data associated with that coroutine.
  • Context element
    • Dispatches
    • Jobs

Suspended function

  • it is a function that can be run in a coroutine , make callbacks seamless. like you can access local variable in function.
  • Function that can be run in a coroutine.
  • Provide a functionality to run in parallel.
  • we can update local variable example in file , just suspend in function to make function suspendable.


  • its a handle on a coroutine , you can access lifecycle of coroutines.like cancel coroutine.
  • A.job() will return Job.
  • Job live in the hierarchy of other jobs , children and parent
  •       Jo
  • Access lifecycle variable and methods
    • cancel() -> cancel the job.
      • if Job is cancelled , All its parents and child job will be cancelled.
    • join() -> wait until child coroutine completes
      • join the coroutine to the main thread basically (Need more clarification on this)


  • A future result of a coroutine.


  • manages which thread the coroutine run on , on MainThread , on BackgroundThread
  • its basic on which thread the coroutine is run on.
  • Dispatcher.Default
    • CPU intensive work , Image process , data process and so on.
  • Dispatcher.Main
    • Where we can update UI , like in Android , we have update Ui on main thread.
    • Main Dispatches need to be defined in Gradle , it os done in Android Automatically.
  • Dispatcher.IO
    • Useful for Network communication to read and write request.
  • Unconfined
    • Start the coroutine in the inherited dispatchers that called it.
    • If you start coroutine with MainDispatchers and call another coroutine with Unconfined Dispatchers so it will be on Main Dispatchers.
  • newSingleThreadContext("MyThread")
    • Force creating of a new Thread.
    • This is not use much , because coroutine is so lightweight.


  • its another way to start coroutine. , its return the result.
  • In the form of Deferred , Deferred its basically a promise that it will return After sometime and you will get a result , Just not available right now.
  • When we need the result , call await() its a blocking call.
    • If the value is available it will return immediately.
    • If the value is not available it will pause the thread until it is.


  • withContext()
    • its allow us to change context, basically switch between dispatchers , Like switch from IO to Main Dispatchers.

Error handling

  • Exception Handling
    • As we have two different coroutine Builder lunch and async,
    • lunch generate a Job and async generate a deferred.
      • lunch
        • it has child-parent hierarchy.
        • Exception will be thrown immediately and job will fails.
        • use try/catch or an exception handling.
        • We can not directly see the exception we need to use join on job.
              import kotlin.coroutines.coroutineContext
              val exceptionHandler=CoroutineExceptionHandler{coroutineContext,throwable->
                  // handle Exception 
      • Async
        • Exceptions are deferred until the result is consumed
        • If the result is not consumed the exception is never thrown
        • try/catch in the coroutine or in the await() call.

Asynchronous Flow

  • Streams of values that are asynchronouslly computed. its live value after values.
  • Flow emmit values ,
  • Flow{} Builder
  • emmit(value) transmit values
  • collect{} Received the values , a flow can not emmit the values until , called collect.
      import kotlinx.coroutines.*
      import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
      import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.collect
      import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flow

     fun sendPrimes(): Flow<Int> =
        flow<Int> {
            val primesList= listOf(2,3,5,7,11,13,19,23,29,31)
            primesList.forEach {

    // Collect 
    fun main() {
      runBlocking {
        println("receiving Prime Numbers")
        sendPrimes().collect {
          println("Received prime no $it")

Creating Flow

  • We can create flow by three methods
    •       flow{
    •   listOf(1,2,3,4,5).asFlow()
    • using varargs methods of FlowOf() flowOf(10,20,30,"Aman","Data",10.4)


  • The flow are cold that means the code does not run un till the collect function is called.
  • A flow can not be cancelled by it self.
  • it will be cancelled when the encompassing coroutine is cancelled., Flow is transparent for cancellation.


  • take an input flow and transform into an output flow.
  • Operator are cold , still you need to call collect need to get.
  • The returning flow is synchronous
    • That means it return immediatly its not a coroutine.
  • map Map a flow into another flow.
  •     (1..10).asFlow().map {
        "Mapping in to String $it"
        }.collect {
  • filter -> filter the values that we get - ````kotlin (1..10).asFlow().filter { it%2==0 }.collect { println(it) }
  • Transform operator -> Can emit any value at any time
    • Inside transform operator we can emit String and interger both the value at the same time
      (1..10).asFlow().transform{ emit("Strint $it.")emit(it) }.collect { println(it) }
  • take() Just limit the process of no times , like if we use take(2) it take two values from flow.
    • (1..10).asFlow().take(3).collect { print(it) }
  • Terminal Operates
    • collect -> collect flow streams
    • toList -> convert into list
    • toSet -> convert into set
    • reduce -> Allow some operations with an accumulator.(its like store value for each iteration, just like sum for each value) - FlowOn() Operator -> Change the context on which the flow is emitted.
      • ``


  • in case flow is taking takes a long time buffer is useful to accumulate flow values that can be process later.
  • it store the values and put them in queue for processing
  • put buffer() before collection the data.

Composing Flows

  • We can compose different flow together.
  • Zip ->matches corresponding values of two flows. its like match first flow of first and second value of second flow.
             val flow1=(1..4).asFlow()
             val secondFlow= flowOf("One","Two","Three","Four")
             flow1.zip(secondFlow){ a, b-> "$a in english $b"}.collect {  println(it) }
  • Combine->Combine the latest value of one flow with the latest value of another flow.
  val number=(1..4).asFlow().onEach { delay(300) }
    val english=flowOf("One","Two","Three","Four").onEach { delay(400) }

    number.combine(english){a,b->"$a->$b"}.collect { println(it) }

Exception handling

  • Exception Handling in flows
  • surround collect and catch the exception in cache.
 try {
        (1..10).asFlow().onEach { check(it != 8) }.collect { print(it) }
    }catch (e:Exception){
        println("Exception is $e")
.catch() operator
  • You can catch exception inside a flow.
  • Caches any exception that occuer above the catch operator.
    (1..10).asFlow().onEach { check(it!=2) }.catch { println("Exception $it") }.collect { print(it) }


  • its line a finally block in java , so it will be executed finally
        .onEach { check(it!=12) }
        .onCompletion {  cause ->
            if (cause!=null)
                println("Exception occurs $cause")
                println("FLow complete without exception")
        .catch { println("Catch exception $it") }
        .collect { println(it) }

Coroutine Channels

  • A Channel is conceptually very similar to BlockingQueue. One key difference is that instead of a blocking put operation it has a suspending send, and instead of a blocking take operation it has a suspending receive.
  • Deferred values provide a convenient way to transfer a single value between coroutines. Channels provide a way to transfer a stream of values.


  • Sequence of data.
  • A coroutine can asynchronously put elements .send(data)
  • Can blockingly get elements .receicve()
  • Close channel when there are no more elements. .close()

Channel Producer

  • Allow a data source to create and return channel
  • produce{}
  • consumenEach() -> we are getting each element.
  • there is no limit on capacity form channel


  • Where one channel output is given as an input to another channel.
  • One coroutine producing infinite set of values
  • one or more coroutine consuming or transforming those values.


  • if multiple coroutines receives from the same channel values are distributed among them.
  • Different coroutne produce different values in parallen , connect to a channel


  • Multiple coroutine can send values to the same channel.

Buffered channels

  • limit on the capacity on the channel
  • When the capacity is full , the sender is full
  • When the capacity becomes available , new values can be sent.

Take channels

  • Periodically produces a unit after a given delay.

Cuncurrncy anb Shared state

  • Shared state problem
    • Multiple coroutine can update a shared state variable
    • Some updates may be lost
    • Solutions
      • Atomic variables
        • works well for primitives data types and collections
        • Difficult for complex data types with no thread-safe implementation. runBlocking { val counter=AtomicInteger(0) withContext(Dispatchers.Default){ massiveRun { counter.getAndIncrement() } } println("Counter =${counter.get()}") }
      • Thread confinment
        • Access is to data is sone through a single thread.
        • Fine-grained -> each individual increment switches context much slower.
          • if you want to done something in parallel this one is good. runBlocking { val counterContext= newSingleThreadContext("MyCounterContext") var counter=0 withContext(Dispatchers.Default){ massiveRun { withContext(counterContext){ counter++ } } } println("Counter =$counter") }
        • Coarse-grained -> the while function is run on a single thread , no context switching is faster.
          • if you want to run on single thread this ione is good and fast, but not good in parallel.
                          runBlocking {
                          val counterContext= newSingleThreadContext("MyCounterContext")
                          var counter=0
                              massiveRun { counter++ }
                          println("Counter =$counter")
      • Mutual Exclusion Locks
        • Mutex -> Access a part of code using lock and unlock mechanism.
        • if a coroutine get a mutex is lock so that it can wait to unlock the variable and then process.
        • withLock{} it provide both lock and unlock.
            runBlocking {
              val mutex= Mutex()
              var counter=0;
                  massiveRun {
                      mutex.withLock {
              println("Counter =$counter")
