
Hindmart is a clone of Indiamart. It is an Indian e-commerce website that provides B2C, B2B and customer to customer sales services via its web portal.

Primary LanguageHTML


Cloning <> India Mart <> Website

Project Name : HindBazaar
Project Logo : Project Logo

Backend Flow

Deployed Link :      https://hindbazaar-mandal.up.railway.app

Tech Stacks

  •  Nodejs
  •  Expressjs
  •  MongoDB

Deployment Tools

  • Railway

  • **Api End Points**  

    Default Endpoint For Products :       /products

    Bricks Products

    Data of all Bricks                           =  /BricksData
    Post Data of all Excavator            =  /BricksPost
    Get Data by Id                               =  /Bricks/:id
    Get Data by limits                         =  /Brlimit?limit=
    Get Data by Title                           =  /Brtitle?q=
    Get Data of Price by Asc to Desc =  /Brasctodesc
    Get Data of Price by Desc to Asc =  /Brdesctoasc

    Excavator Products       

    Data of all Excavator                    =  /ExcavatorData
    Post Data of all Bricks                  =  /ExcavatorPost
    Get Data by Id                               =  /Excavator/:id
    Get Data by limit                           =  /Exlimit?limit=
    Get Data by Title                           =  /Extitle?q=
    Get Data of Price by Asc to Desc = /Exasctodesc
    Get Data of Price by Desc to Asc = /Exdesctoasc

    Frontend Flow

    Deployed Link :      https://wonderful-tulumba-b2af93.netlify.app

    Tech Stacks

    •  HTML
    •  CSS

    Pages of Frontend
    •  Homepage
    •  Product Page
    •  Cart Page
    •  Admin Page

    ** Logo **


    ** Images of Website **

    ** Homepage **


    ** Sign Up Page **


    ** Login Page **


    ** Product Page **


    ** Admin Page **


    ** Admin Crud Page **
