
Our backend powers an e-commerce platform. It handles user management, product operations, shopping carts, order processing, and more. Built with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB, it's designed for scalability and integration with your frontend.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Triveous Ecommerce Backend

Triveous Ecommerce Backend is the server-side component of our robust e-commerce platform, powering everything from user authentication to order processing. Built with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB, it provides the essential backend functionality for a complete online shopping experience.

Table of Contents


Our Triveous Ecommerce Backend offers a comprehensive set of features to drive your e-commerce platform:

  • User Management:

    • User registration with email verification.
    • Secure user authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
  • Category and Product Management:

    • Create, update, and delete product categories.
    • Manage product details including title, price, description, and availability.
  • Shopping Cart:

    • Add products to the cart.
    • View, update quantities, and remove items from the cart.
  • Order Processing:

    • Place orders with automatic calculation of order totals.
    • Order history and order details retrieval.
    • Send email confirmations for order placements and updates.
  • Error Handling:

    • Robust error handling and validation for data integrity.
  • RESTful APIs:

    • Well-documented RESTful APIs for seamless integration with frontend applications.

Technology Stack

Our backend leverages the following technologies to provide a secure and scalable e-commerce solution:

  • Node.js: A server-side JavaScript runtime for building fast and scalable network applications.

  • Express.js: A minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that simplifies the development of robust APIs.

  • MongoDB: A NoSQL database for efficient data storage and retrieval.

  • Mongoose: An elegant object modeling library for MongoDB, making it easy to manage database interactions.

  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT): Secure user authentication and authorization.

  • Nodemailer: A powerful library for sending email notifications.

Getting Started


Before you start, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Node.js: Install Node.js (LTS version) from nodejs.org.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Amanmandal-M/Triveous-Ecommerce-Backend.git
  2. Install Dependencies:

    cd triveous-ecommerce-backend
    npm install / npm i


  1. Database Setup: Configure the MongoDB connection by providing your database URI in the .env file:

    MONGO_URI = your_mongodb_uri
  2. Email Configuration: Set up your email service credentials in .env for sending email notifications. For example, with Gmail:

    EMAIL_ID  = your_email_id
    GOOGLEKEY = your_google_key

Running the Server

Start the backend server:

npm start
# or
node server.js
# or
nodemon server.js
# or
npm run start
# or
npm run server

API Documentation

Our API is thoroughly documented to help you integrate the backend with your frontend. For detailed information, please refer to the API documentation.

Swagger API Docs : click here

Database Schema

To understand the data structure of our MongoDB database, explore the Database Schema.

Folder Structure

We maintain a clean and organized folder structure for easy navigation and development. Get familiar with it in the Folder Structure document.

Made with ❤️ by the Triveous Ecommerce Team