
This project implements a simple Flask-based backend API for weather data. It allows users to retrieve weather information for specific cities, add new weather data, update existing weather data, and delete weather data for a city.

Primary LanguagePython

Weather Backend API

This project implements a simple Flask-based backend API for weather data. It allows users to retrieve weather information for specific cities, add new weather data, update existing weather data, and delete weather data for a city.

Project Structure

The project follows the following folder structure:

  • app.py: The main Flask application file. It initializes the Flask app, registers routes, and starts the server.
  • routes/weather_routes.py: Defines the routes for weather data operations.
  • controllers/weather_controllers.py: Contains the controller functions for handling weather data operations.
  • tests/weather_test.py: Contains test cases to verify the functionality of the API endpoints.


  1. Start the server by running the app.py file.

  2. Access the API endpoints using the following routes:

    • GET /weather-api/weather/<city>: Retrieve weather data for a specific city.
    • POST /weather-api/weather: Add new weather data for a city.
    • PUT /weather-api/weather/<city>: Update weather data for a specific city.
    • DELETE /weather-api/weather/<city>: Delete weather data for a specific city.

    Replace <city> with the name of the city you want to perform the operation on.

API Documentation

Retrieve Weather Data

  • Endpoint: GET /weather-api/weather/<city>
  • Description: Retrieve weather data for a specific city.
  • Response: JSON object containing the weather information for the city.

Add Weather Data

  • Endpoint: POST /weather-api/weather
  • Description: Add new weather data for a city.
  • Request Body: JSON object containing the city, temperature, and weather information.
  • Response: JSON object containing the success message and the added weather data.

Update Weather Data

  • Endpoint: PUT /weather-api/weather/<city>
  • Description: Update weather data for a specific city.
  • Request Body: JSON object containing the updated temperature and/or weather information.
  • Response: JSON object containing the updated weather data.

Delete Weather Data

  • Endpoint: DELETE /weather-api/weather/<city>
  • Description: Delete weather data for a specific city.
  • Response: JSON object confirming the deletion of the weather data.


The project includes test cases to verify the functionality of the API endpoints. The test cases are defined in the tests/weather_test.py file.

To run the tests, use the following command:

pytest tests/weather_test.py

Note : Make sure you have the pytest library installed.