
Introducing Zesty Zomato, your ultimate restaurant app. Discover, order, and enjoy delicious food from top restaurants with live order updates and chat bot assistance. Visit now for a flavorful experience!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Zesty Zomato

Backend Docs

Zesty Zomato Backend


Welcome to the Zesty Zomato Backend Section! Here, users can register or log in with valid credentials to explore a world of culinary delights. Our platform allows you to effortlessly purchase and order food while providing real-time updates on your order status. Our chat bot is available to assist you with any queries you may have.

But that's not all. As an admin, you have full control over the menu. You can add, update, and delete items to ensure your offerings are always up-to-date. Additionally, you can easily access and review order statuses, keeping you in the loop at all times.

At Zesty Zomato Backend, we're committed to providing a seamless and efficient experience for both users and admins. Join us today and take charge of your restaurant's success.


  • Create: Add new items to the database.
  • Read : Retrieve data from the database.
  • Update: Modify existing data in the database.
  • Delete: Remove data from the database.

Technologies Used

  • Python
  • Flask
  • MongoDB

Clone Repository

git clone https://github.com/Amanmandal-M/Zesty-Zomato-System.git


  • Python 3.11.4
  • Flask 2.0.1


cd Backend

pip install -r requirements.txt

Start the Backend server

python app.py

MVC Structure

├── app.py
├── configs
|    └── db.py
├── models
|    └── all_model.py
├── routes
|    └── user_routes.py
|    └── menu_routes.py
|    └── order_routes.py
|    └── user_controllers.py
|    └── menu_controllers.py
|    └── order_controllers.py

Note :

  • Before doing anything first create .env file and put PORT , MONGO_URI , NORMAL_KEY.
  • PORT is for listening the server.
  • MONGO_URL is for running database and store your data in database so put your mongo link.
  • NORMAL_KEY is for authentication jsonwebtoken so basically this is your secret key .


Blueprint Method Endpoint Description Status Code
user POST /user/register This endpoint should allow users to register. Hash the password on store. 201
user POST /user/login This endpoint should allow users to login. Return JWT token on login. 201
menu-list GET /menu-list/ This endpoint is for view all menu items. 200
menu-list POST /menu-list/add-items This endpoint is for add items in menu list. 201
menu-list PATCH /menu-list/update-items/`dish_id e.g: _id` This endpoint is for view searched products. 204
menu-list DELETE /menu-list/delete-items/`dish_id e.g: _id` This endpoint is for view sort by date. 202
order GET /order/ This endpoint should allow for display all orders 200
order POST /order/take-order This endpoint should allow the user to place an order. 200
order GET /order/review-orders This endpoint is for review the orders. 200

Backend Deployment URL

Frontend Docs

Zesty Zomato Frontend


Welcome to Zesty Zomato Frontend! Experience a user-friendly interface that makes food ordering a breeze. With a quick registration or login process, you can dive into a world of culinary delights.

Browse through our extensive menu and effortlessly purchase your favorite dishes. Stay in the loop with live order status updates, ensuring you know exactly when your food will arrive. Need assistance? Our chat bot is here to answer any questions you may have.

Zesty Zomato Frontend isn't just for users - admins have powerful tools at their disposal too. Easily manage the menu by adding, updating, or deleting items. Stay on top of all order statuses and efficiently review orders.

Join us on Zesty Zomato Frontend to elevate your restaurant experience. Get ready to indulge in delicious food and seamless interactions.

Folder Structure

├── index.html
├── html
|    └── userReg.html
|    └── adminDashboard.html
├── css
|    └── index.css
|    └── userReg.css
|    └── adminDashboard.css
├── js
|    └── index.js
|    └── userReg.js
|    └── adminDashboard.js

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • SweetAlert

Clone Repository

git clone https://github.com/Amanmandal-M/Zesty-Zomato-System.git


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Start the Frontend

 - cd Frontend
 - Open index.html
 - ALT+L+O `Live Server Shortcut Keys`
 - Right click on mouse and click `Open with Live Server`

Frontend Deployment URL